Hard to form an opinion...

I want to like this. Hell I want to love this, if for no other reason than out of loyalty to George A. Romero. In my opinion, this feels to be the weakest entry in the Dead franchise. It's all wrong. For starters, it strays out of the timeline, back to somewhere between Dawn and Day, and revisits the old "maybe there's still hope for the sick" idea that wears the series out in most entries.

Secondly, this film doesn't give us what we are sure to get from a Romero Dead film. Creepy zombies and at least enough gore to make sense of a human having his/her body torn apart. There was only one impressive attack scene and that only happens in the last ten minutes of the film. Until that point, I think they saved up all the blood for that one scene.

Lastly, the production values. This seemed a little less like a Romero film, and more like one of the numerous knock off films that try to emulate Romero. Kudos to using practical effects which is usually a good thing - if the practical effects are good. These were just OK, and the blood was a little dry. The acting wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. The zombies were decent, but no better.

I'm sure I seem overly critical, but truthfully, I'm not hating on it. It wasn't horrible, rather just one notch this side of mediocre. I am certainly no lesser of a Romero fan because of it. It just didn't leave me coming away from it with the usual "awesome!" I feel after a Romero film. I will rewatch it, but maybe not as often as Dawn, Day or Land. One thing's for sure, I give this movie one healthy hi-five for giving me a whole lot of Alan Van Sprang looking pretty damn good, if I do say so, which makes up for a fraction of the disappointment.
