This movie proves one thing

And that's that it's time for George to move on and think about doing something other than zombie movies of steadily decreasing quality. Or retire. Is this really the same guy who made Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead? He was a visionary then. It makes me think of Sickboy's unifying theory of life from Trainspotting: you get old and then you just cannae hack it any more.

"That, - Captain Bligh, - that is the thing; - I am in hell, sir - I am in hell."


Perhaps it's to do with the name. There is another George who had enormous success, pretty much creating a genre out of three magnificent movies... then went crazy and proceeded to dump the franchise into a cow turd then piss on it.


Alzheimer's is a bitch.


It was easily the least entertaining film of all George Romero's zombie movies, but it did have a few interesting moments. The character Tomboy was a great character as well. I really liked her. I would agree that this should probably be the last of George's zombie films, though.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.
