Drug Use in Movies

Considering the trouble our country has with drug use, I question the gratuitous use of it in movies, like it is done in Boogie Woogie.

We have virtually removed smoking from most movies. I suggest we do the same with drugs.

From my point of view. I would pitch for more nudity and sex (this movie is only a tease re nudity & sex) and less drug use.


What country are you talking about?
And I have to say: the vast majority of the problems caused are not from the actual drug use, but their illegality - the US-led war on drugs and the collusion of gullible and/or beholden governments, by making drugs so illegal, have created a black market the affects of which are much like the days of abolition in America. And despite all the problems, the scale of death and destruction is on a much smaller scale than alcohol - a drug which has most definitely not been engineered out of the screen industry, and is bizarrely considered to be much more acceptable than pot. Even cocaine is nothing compared to alcohol(not crack - an invention that would not have been needed if it hadn't been for the war on drugs nonsense).

You might want to consider researching the actual causes and effects of the entire issue, rather than simply pretending the problem begins and ends with the recreational drug use of consenting adults - which is without doubt not an actual problem - certainly anywhere near the scale you seem to think it is.


We have virtually removed smoking from most movies.
Which rather is the fact that I'm not so happy with.

I'd be happy to see more nudity and sex in non-porno films, though.



Censorship. The answer to everything. What a great idea, it totally worked for socialist Russia why not install it everywhere. Or... Maybe people could have a little gumption and choose to live their own lives instead of imitating what they see in a film. Maybe. But, hell if giving up all of my freedoms will keep your kids off drugs because you are too lazy of a parent to educate them and let TV and film do it for you, who am I to stop you.


Better stop showing murders and car chases in movies as well.

In fact let's just stop making movies, because someone somewhere might be influenced badly.


Personally I'd like to have more nudity, sex and drug use in the movies I watch and in my perdonal life.
