Gundam Exia GN Arms

Anybody seen the new GN arms for Gundam Exia? It looks like they're doing another Dendrobium rip-off just like the METEOR Unit from SEED.

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress


The what now???????? Which ep do they first appear in?

You know what I see? Targets!-A certain druggie gundam pilot.


It hasn't appeared in the anime yet but a magazine in Japan showed a pic of the upcoming HG model kit.

I mean geez, Bandai sure loves to squeeze some extra bucks. If I'm not mistaken the anime series is making some sort of connection to the side story manga, Gundam 00F (A good read by the way, though only chapter 1 is available) since I heard a rumor the GN Arms will make its appearance on OOF manga before the anime.

Since they got GN Arms for an HG figure, I'm crossing my fingers for a Gundam Plutone or Gundam Astraea Type F figure. :)

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress


shiet thats crazy. Definitely reminds me of the METEOR though.

You know what I see? Targets!-A certain druggie gundam pilot.


yea but the METEOR is just a rip of the RX-78GP03 Gundam Dendrobium Orchis


Yup, that's what I said. Denbrobium still kicks ass.

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress


true the METEOR wound stand a chance since its so reliant on beam weapons and the GP03 has the I-Field


It has that claw thing too. Heck it doesn't even look like an add-on it's more like a huge mobile armor. It also has that cool chain mine.

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress


well it is a mobile armor it just uses the Stamen as the pilot


I's still kick ass and can dish out some serious damage.

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress


In episode 20 Sumeragi sends the mechanic to go pick up the GN arms, but I don't know if she ment the Exia GN Arms.

You know what I see? Targets!-A certain druggie gundam pilot.


There's only one GN Arms.

"Don't send a Coordinator to do a Newtype's job."


i dont think so cause they said they were getting one of them

reply mistake then.

"That is Tengen Toppa! That is Gurren Lagann! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!"


I think SleepNeeded127 is right because the ones that show up in Ep. 21 don't look like the ones on the model. But then again they could be folded up for travel.

You know what I see? Targets!-A certain druggie gundam pilot.
