Gundam 00 Ep 21 *SPOILERS*

Oh man...poor Saji. His girlfriend lost her family and her arm, now his sister is dead. Setsuna seems to be dreaming or hallucinating about Marina. Lockon looks like he's hurt bad, I hope he doesn't get whacked.

"That is Tengen Toppa! That is Gurren Lagann! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!"


Damn. I just watched the raw and ummmmmmmm well it looks like CB is gunna have sum trouble from now on. And it must SUCK to be Saji rite now. But damn I can only understand a little Japanese and I had no clue what Saji was saying to his sister's assistant. I wish I knew. And I didn't understand Alejandros conversation but its pretty clear that he is now against CB.

You know what I see? Targets!-A certain druggie gundam pilot.



Alejandro and Ali are both evil bastards, but I hate Alejandro more because he doesn't do any actual fighting; he just stabs people in the back.

And older we grow
The more we know
The less we show
~ The Cure
