The Series so far

The fansubs that I have seen are incredible, and the anime visuals are something between Gundam Seed and, for some odd reason, Naruto. I like it. It's a vast improvement over Seed most especially, mainly because I think the colors were just way too bright and shiny in Seed.

The storyline thus far (Just finished episode 4) is very intriguing. I'm not going to say whether or not it has any association with what is going on today, but the storyline does maintain that peak of interest thanks to some (and when I say some, I mean a dabble) historical association. For example, in Episode 3 there is mention upon Ireland's IRA, and I thought it was a nice touch.

I look forward to what the rest of the series has to offer, but from what I've seen this is almost as good as Gundam Wing. Nice Gundam designs (especially with the Dynames), nice use of some Earth-bound science and physics(solar and particle-powered mobile suits), and of course, deep plot.


U kno I have to agree with what WBSlinger63 said. So far I've seen up to ep 16 and i have to admit it is living up to my standards.

I've seen many Gundam series, (Wing, G gundam, SEED, SEED Destiny, Mobile Suit Gundam, and parts of a few other series in addition to most of the movies) but as far as I can see this is shaping up to be almost as good as Wing, which is by far my favorite ever. It will be better than SEED, which in my opinion was a really good show.

And the Gundams are so cool, especially the Exia and Dynames and the 3 new Gundams Throne 1,2,and 3

You know what I see? Targets!-A certain druggie gundam pilot.


I was a little disappointed with 16, probably because I had finally caught up with all the episodes and had been looking forward to some serious action from the Gundam Thrones. I suppose, though, the less new stuff the better, because that just means Saturday's premiere of 17 will be so friggin' bombass it will put a lot of battle scenes to shame.

It's surprising, though, to see that Celestial Being had begun to fall apart as early as it has--Veda's strategic planning fails to predict the psychological capacities of the Gundam Meisters as well as the new strategies of the AEU, HRL, and Union-- hopefully the show isn't beginning to slow down.


I find it quite funny how given the current state of things. the gundam's are the bad guys and its everyone else who is good. I find it funny had the female crew takes a tan while 4 troubled teens are killing in the name of an idea. I mean even in gundam wing we had space versus OZ. It seems to really take the whole, What if all the pilots from gundam wing were nuts and there was no evil corporation. I really wanna see where the series is going. Though i hope this is the end of the boy band gundam series. I think its time to age the pilots.

On a sidenote while i see how the two civilian characters are ment to be an outside perspective. I find them tedious and just outta place with the Gundam action.

I do like the series much more then gundam seed though. I like having a group of people to care about.

On a sidenote, does it seem that the throne gundams may be a common enemy that quartet will have to face and that the meisters are being played by celestial being like puppets on a string?


I don't think the Gundam pilots' age really matters. right now the pilots are at a reasonable age range, 16-26 or something like that. It's about right for young soldiers at war right now.

I think one or two of the Thrones will become enemies that the Meisters will have to battle, and yeah of course Celestial Being is playing the entire Gundam septets like puppets.


I think ALL of the Throne pilots will become enemies of the original four Meisters. Johann may be calm and collected, but that doesn't mean he's not just as devious as his siblings. In fact, he will most likely go berserk when Michael or Nena or both get killed. Mwahahahahahaha!

The further we go
And older we grow
The more we know
The less we show
~ The Cure



So far I absolutely LOVE this series. I'll wait till the end before I decide if it's better than Gundam Wing. I'm really looking to forward to episode 18. I'm intrigued by what the voice over said "Setsuna rejects Gundam".

Does this mean he simple doesn't acknowlegde Throne as allies or does he just refuse to pilot Exia? No spoilers please I don't wanna know until I see it. xD

"Flied lice?"
"Flied lice? It is fried rice, you plick"


i LOVE IT, even the gundams are not as fancy as seed and destiny, the story is soooooo good. one of the best gundam series so far.


after episode 18 this is def in my top 5 gundam shows


I gotta agree. After the craptacular disaster that was SEED Destiny, this one is better. I love the mecha designs and the story is pretty fresh for a Gundam series, that's my opinion anyway.

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress


The story is pretty fresh, though I have to say that it has some contexts that I think were definitely ripped off of Gundam Wing.

For one, Marina Ismail's naive perspective on politics and her ineptedness to handle situations during warfare is definitely along the same veins of a certain Relena Peacecraft.

Then there's Setsuna, who seems to have a thing for Marina, similar to how Heero Yuy had feelings for Relena. Difference, though, is that Setsuna isn't trying to kill Marina.


Well it does have a Gundam Wing vibe to it but the other tired old Gundam cliches are gone. No more Space Colonies vs. Earth, the ridiculous Gundamjackings, the accidental and hesitant young civilian pilot, dropping a big asteroid or colony on Earth or another guy with a mask.

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress


it does have a lot like wing but its different enough not to feel like its the same thing all over


Yeah I know what you mean. It's definitely refreshing that they picked a brand new writer who's never even written for Gundam. It's great to get his take on the whole series and jumpstart it for a new generation.



I've tried getting into it, but the animation puts me off. Same thing with SEED. It's like they decided to make the whole universe metrosexual.



Well, I mean, if you look at Gundam Wing, don't tell me those five guys never made u wonder if they were all, u know...


The reason why Bandai made the five protagonists of Wing a bunch of angsty bishies is because Bandai wants to get the attention of the female audience. I guess the same could be said for SEED and 00. I mean the character designer of 00 is the same person who made Loveless.

"Mikuru Beam!" -from a certain time traveling combat waitress



Haha yeah... they sell the cool Gundams to the boys and sell the bishie pilots to the girls... and they got both market!! :D:D
