MovieChat Forums > Saw V (2008) Discussion > Victims of main trap

Victims of main trap

I was extremely irritated watching them, the first room was easy as hell. They didn't know one key worked for all but they had plenty of time to get each key if strategize, the second room was a joke that anyone had to die... It was quite obvious more than one person could fit in one of the tunnels. The third room may have been more tricky. But the last room when it was down to the firestarter and female, I was very frustrated when they had the city planners body in the previous room and could have used just her blood and never needed to hurt themselves at all.


Do the doors not lock after they complete the task and escape from the bomb?


They went back into the Tub room and saw they had 45 sec left on the clock untill that room exploded, so in theory if they thought of it they had enough time to pull out the hooks and clamps and drag her into the last room.

In hignsight you can be just as frustrated as the OP with the 5 people, but that is what the traps were all about , testing their selfish nature. None of them ended up thinking unselfishly and working together.
It's hard to imagine how you would react yourself if you woke up in an unknown messed up scenario, But Jigsaw certainly predicted their behavior, even taunting them by putting a warning about it in his message to them.


I admit it got harder to watch the traps. Not because of the gruesome nature of them... because of the reactions, time and time again.
Person wakes up in a trap.
Person freaks out, yells for help.
Person sees the little puppet thing on TV telling them what to do to survive.
Person gets angry, screams, rips at trap as time passes.
At the last minute, person finally attempts to do the painful thing Jigsaw set up.
Either they make it and die or they don't make it on time and die.
The end.
I know it's a natural reaction to being caught in such a situation, but wouldn't they have heard about Jigsaw before, and his traps? Wouldn't they use their brain and actually try to fight through it? That's what upset me a little bit about those 5. Did no one recognize a Jigsaw trap and try to suggest to work together? Sheesh.


I thought that about the first room too! They should have tried one key first. Admittedly, I didn't think about sharing the safety rooms either. Derp. I guess in a panic they reverted to their old ways of thinking. Good points in this thread though.


And they should just stay in the tunnels and wait for the police. They didn't have to continue the game, there wasn't any poisonous gas or something.
