So, I just chatted with the PFFR guys over email, and they confirmed that Xavier will be back for season 3...and possibly 4.

me: please tell me xaiver is getting renewed....
Sent at 5:12 PM on Monday
PFFR: there are hopes for other tragedy, with the 3rd season waiting at the door of the above's answer.
me: so that means...maybe?
Sent at 5:14 PM on Monday
PFFR: yes... and then some

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


Excellent! I just hope they release a stetement to the media confirming the details.

There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck -Thom Yorke


Your post is my all-time favorite in the history of imdb.

Xavier forever.


That wasn't season 4 that they were talking about. It's something even better... THE XAVIER MOVIE. It's already been all but confirmed by Adult Swim.

Anyway, I can't wait for season 3. It probably won't air til 2011 as the 2010 lineup is already confirmed but I'm sure it will be well worth it.



i know PFFR have finished an "avant porn film" called FINAL FLESH.
it premires in LA june 9th.


I will believe this when adult swim has a statement. Also, regarding to the movie rumors, the PFFR guys say random *beep* all of the time and it could have just been said to excite us for something that wont be. Until official announcements are made i dont get excited about anything. If this IS true I repopulated my pants!!


Yeah. It'll easily be a year before season 3 comes out (there was a 13 month gap between the end of season 1 and the beginning of season 2), so Adult Swim may not announce it for a while.

But I'd still consider this something of an official statement. PFFR don't really make any big statements about things... look at the Delocated season 2 confirmation post on their website, for example. They just mentioned Delocated and were like "we're late to announce this series, since it's already off air. Good thing there'll be a new season...." No streamers, no explosions, no sources, just a little quote there.


GOod point man. I just got slightly more excited.


yeah, with the 1&2 dvd coming out, i think 3&4 are all but assured. expect S#3 early 2011
