MovieChat Forums > Xavier: Renegade Angel (2007) Discussion > Why this show is so bad I almost threw u...

Why this show is so bad I almost threw up

Well not really. But this show is terrible. It proves that a couple of stoners can throw out ANYTHING and people will rush in its defense as a form of art.

Where to start? Xavier is an obviously abrasive character and I would mistake his overt pomposity for a send up of Native Americans in general if I didn't realize that the idea was out of the creator's ability. He's just an ass because the idea of someone being so out of the norm is hilarious to people.

I like dead pan deliveries as much as the next guy but the sheer gall of the writers to make a show so high on its own idea of what funny is astounds me. Ok I chuckled when he stole a set of babies, and when his snake hand ate them. But how is that brilliant? How does that say something about the state of society? Because I've read that countless times on here, by fans who are blazed out of their minds no doubt.

If you like this show there is no hope for you. You are so deluded in the belief that pedestrian absurdism humor is something to be hailed that there is no hope for you. Real surreal humor is Monty Python, its Steven Wright and Mitch Hedberg, its Best In Show. It is not this failure of a show that potheads love.


Why you hatin' on what others be lovin' yo?

I think it's noteworthy you didn't once mention the dialog in this show. I want you to pay very close attention to it if you ever happen to see this show again. It doesn't matter which episode it is, only that once it comes on, listen closely.

I'm not saying you'll like it, but it should at least provide you with some perspective because you don't seem to be catching on to a very important aspect of this show.


You aren't smart enough

I take my coffee like I take my women... strong... black... and proud.


Ok I chuckled when he stole a set of babies, and when his snake hand ate them. But how is that brilliant?

You are right, that isn't brilliant. The heart of this show is the dialogue.







Best post on this site.


You read every post someone has ever made rather than counter their argument.


A man who desires no more from things than to understand them easily makes peace with his soul


OMG I gotta say that the first time I saw this, I was indeed high and thought I imagined the whole thing! Then when I realized it really and truly was on tv, I said "oh wow, so they were on acid or something when they made this, huh?"... So yeah, I never knew what it was called until literally a few minutes ago lol. Oh and the episode I saw... he finds out that his mother slept with a snake, bird, and whatever else he is made of.. smh


yes, the OP is totally correct. Xavier is the worst show on Adult Swim. The only show worse in Adult Swim history was Milk Chan. The dialogue is non-sensical in a bad way when it attempts to be clever and overly-complicated. It throws out every bizarre and repugnant thing it can think of in attempt to be funny and shocking. Oddly, this strategy fails and makes me want to shake my head and turn the channel until the next program starts up on Adult Swim.

People who say this is great and only "smart" people can enjoy it are either very full of themselves or they are ******* up on drugs. If you need to smoke pot or do some mail-order trip substance to get into it, then the show is worthless and beyond redemption.




Let's see.... we have someone responding to my points about this show and the makeup of audience that enjoys it who clearly has issues and problems in life. Let's see, this lover of Xavier who extols how great and smart it is lauds a movie character who is a basically a human monster psycho and also goes by the IMDB handle name TexasPsycho. But remember, in his little reality he's legit and smart and everyone who dislikes him and his likes is either pathetic or stupid. thanks for reaffirming my thoughts about this show and the audience that follows it. take care psycho-boy.



Yeah, I definitely perfer watching this show sober (at least on first viewing) I usually get extreme ADHD when I get high, and especially with the new faster pace and multi-layered plotlines, it's just too much *beep* being thrown at me at once when I'm in that state-of-mind.

I had to watch that last one again, this show is so fast paced and and jam packed with jokes you gotta watch it a few times to catch everything. Like that one post said somewhere on here, "This show makes my brain hurt, but in a good way"




Damn whys everybody gotta hate on family guy that *beep* is funny don't care who you are unless you take yourself a bit too seriously. I gotta say Xavier has got to be the most bizarre s h it i have ever seen on adult swim which makes it interesting to me atleast. Wow its out there way the hell out there. But it does test the patience you gotta admit, def not easily digestible but I'm sure thats why all of its fans like it because they wanna be the ones who like something so bizarre unfortunately thats far from original. Can I just say also - I thought I had heard some annoying voices on AS before but god damn Xavier gets the Champs Cup.

The Departed - Best Picture 2006
Martin Scorsese - Best Director 2006
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People hating on Family Guy? Not finding it funny!? That reminds me of that time Hitler was watching Good Times with John Meyer's Douchy Hair...

I don't hate Family guy, but I definitely think there is an overdose of the series on television. I think I actually prefer American Dad to family guy just because it's on less.

I'm not a fan of Xavier though, but I was curious if others were since [as] announced they were actually putting it on DVD. I just don't like it and I don't find it all that intelligent, and I get that that is intentional, but I just don't need to be told that it is being fake deep (or making fun of pretentiousness) every episode. I also find it to be too pessimistic. All of this just isn't something I feel like watching at 1 or 2am in the morning. Maybe if Adult Swim had a channel and showed it at a normal time I'd be more open to it, but I still doubt I'd like it.

It's just funny, I find myself liking every Adult Swim program except for this, 12oz mouse, and Perfect Hair Forever. I just can't get into those programs, even when I try.



I personally can't stand this show either.I TRIED to watch it, but I just don't like it.I can't stand Tim and Eric's Awe(ful)some Show,Morel Orel and Squidbillies as well.
I do,however LOVE Aqua Teen Hunger Force,Venture Brothers,Metalocalypse,Robot Chicken,King of the Hill,Family Guy and American Dad.

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it put this as your signature


Xavier is the only show on Adult Swim worth watching. You probably like the unfunny robot chicken.


I think he was trying to say that this show is NOT ART.

Not at all.

Try something.

Try to think of a completely random story. Don't block anything out, just let it flow. Every random, stupid, trippy thing that your head thinks up will be the next part of your story.

That's what this show is. It switches from random scenario to random dialogue to random scenario again. Now you might say that that's the most creative, artistic thing that somebody could create.

It isn't.

Randomness isn't creative. In fact, its almost unconscious. A well thought out plot that doesn't fall into cliches is creative, and generally makes for a good show.

I laugh much more at Tim and Eric's, Family Guy, and Robot Chicken than this show.


I like Family Guy. Xavier is just more... abstract, I guess. I cannot find Robot Chicken funny, at all. It is neither laugh-out-loud funny nor clever. Xavier is usually clever more so than laugh-out-loud funny. I'll let out a "Ha!" when something clever is said. For instance, in the Manibalism episode, Xavier refers to this ideal that no one should be left hungry, but his words are, "No one will eat until everyone is full!" This sort of thing doesn't make me fall on the floor holding my gut, but I do find it funny in a clever way. Or when Xavier didn't know how to get the attention of sports lovers, so he just started chanting "sports, sports, sports" and they all joined. I suppose a sports fan might be offended, but I found it funny in a cynical sort of way. When the show first started, I didn't think it was that great. But I gave it a chance and now I love it. The reason I got into it in the first place is because I loved Wonder Showzen.


That's the thing though, it's not random AT ALL. Everything in every episode ties together by the end either philosophically or narratively. The plots are simply deeply couched. It's a show about the box within the box within the box. And what's more, the humor is very much based in your understanding of Xavier as a sort of Quixotic hero.

And by the by, I think the whole of Ireland and pretty much any serious literary scholar would disagree with you about Stream of Consciousness failing to reach the level of art.

,Said the Shotgun to the Head--
Saul Williams


I dont like this show by any means but i personally think the worst show on adult swim is metalocalypse and family guy.... just an opinion. My favorite shows would probably be Auqua Teen, King of The Hill (used to love that show) Home Movies and Tim and Eric.


I find it chuckle worthy , that the people who spout "you don't get it" , dont bother to try and explain. It's the FLCL boards all over again. People who don't get it but pass on the pseudo illated intellectual role, mainly because they think it positions them "above it". Thats the funny yet sad thing about these folks.

"One gay beer for my friend, because he's gay, and one normal beer for me, because I'm normal."
