best dvd set of all time?

Okay, you can get this set for like $12. Around 4 hours of material (it helps that this is the best show EVER MADE), every episode, XAVERCISE, unedited fan submissions, and a confusing ass commentary track. What more could a person want?!

Seriously, go buy this, EVERYONE. I'm going to buy a set for everyone in my family.


any easter eggs been discovered?


Isn't the whole show kind of an easter egg when you think about it?


I got it for like $8 and I've gotten about 200 hours worth of entertainment out of it. Best $8 I've ever spent in my life.

"This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object". - The Joker


Tom Goes to the Mayor set was better.

30 episodes, commentary on every one
at least two or three hours worth of extras

I really wish the Xavier DVD had more extras actually. I don't give a crap about fan submissions (which includes the commentary track), I want stuff from the actual creators.
