best quotes?

there is no thread for favorite quotes, and that is truly a sad thing.
so here it is now!

"I guess its true what they say about a camel's ass, I am hungry!"

"you only have one peni? let me see it!"


"some people *beep* their pants when they die.
not me.
i'm gonna *beep* my heart."

thank god. wonder showzen lives on. sort of.


Arrow salesman: "First, you're gonna want to get in your car."
Xavier: "I'm driving right now!"

"I've got septuplets of my own. I don't know what I'd do if I lost them. Luckily, I'm a good parent. You should try it some time."


Xavier:You snoze, you loze.
Xavier: You sleept You weept.
Xavier: You Napa you get a slappa.
Xavier: You slumber, a-cucumber.
Xavier: Catch up on some zeds, get out of my heads.

Mayor Doomburg gives no funds


What are you? A Chinaman?

Then of course later in the episode..."You some kind of ooga-booga Chinaman?"

But my favorite might have to be:

"I'm gonna break you down using Navajo mysticism, or Cherokee fisticism."


My favorite is at the end of the second episode, when he says, "Now i can resume my quest to be the greatest AIDS spreader of all time."

And when everyone in the show says "Pain!" in the same way everytime in the episode when he goes back to the stone ages.


Was it arson?
No, it was my son.

I accept Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. Yes! Made it!

You can put me to death, but you can't bring me to life. For we are all brothas brothas brothas brothas brothas what look out

You can catch more flies with honey than with bad breath.

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy shiiiiiii

Succotash succotash, win some cash.

You have the gall to blame it on police dogs? Those dogs were decorated. Look at this place! What have you ever decorated?

Instead of eating tacos, let's just talk...oh.


xavier "i got you a girlfriend"
kid "Cool, is he disabled?"


"I just spent American money on a Nagel print!"
"Patrick Nagel just died!"


"Don't worry, by the end of the day you will have forgotten all about your dead turtle. I mean son"


Some of my favorites:

"Oh yeah? Well I'm going to be the bigger man and hang up fir--*Click* Dammit!"

(Xavier at a sperm donation clinic): "I'm here to peddle my puddle"

"The worst part about fingering my fathers killer, is that I am the killer, I fingered myself, to death."


a dead child is like pudding. the proof is in the fact that he probably looked like pudding when he got hit by that car


It's been years since I've watched this show, and I genuinely just laughed myself to tears reading this thread as all the memories came flooding back.

"What is you, a wisenheimer?"
"Hold the heimer, I'm just a man of great wisen. Now squeeze that heimer till it pops!"

"Oh, so you admit that you're checking me out, and you wanna mate!"

"My husband, he only does 'cause he love me."
"No, that's the stupidest thing i ever heard. Maybe he does it because you're stupid."
(and later)
"Ooga-booga. Maybe nimgok fight because when nimgok punch someone, ooga-booga, nimgok get to touch someone. Me only hit you 'cause Nimgok love you."
"Now, that's the smartest thing I ever heard."

"I no longer fear your pain fries."
"Whoo, boy!"

"Hey-ya-ho-oh, hey-ya-oh...oh shucks! I forgot it. But we can jog my memory with the Lakota Memory-Jogging Dance. Hey-ya-ho-Oh! I can't remember the Memory-Jogging Dance. I know, the irony is rich. So all we have to do is the Iroquois Irony-Melting Dance, and we'll be golden. But only God can do that dance...And it has to be raining. That's the irony part."

