MovieChat Forums > True Jackson, VP (2008) Discussion > Notice how there were promos for iCarly ...

Notice how there were promos for iCarly and Victorious stuff..

Stuff that was weeks away while there wasn't a single promo for TJVP "Mystery in Peru" which is supposed to air next week.

That's three quarters! A whole dollar.


Because nickelodeon doesn't G.a.f. about it

hence why it's canceled in the first place

Within A Month of The Taina Rip off show victorious making it's debut, tjvp started being seen less and less

This movie should have been on last summer.

a show usually has a season premiere in the fall and a season finale in the spring or early summer

What show's 2nd season starts in fall 2009 and takes 2 summers to get to it's finale?

One that's been abandoned

because nick give Dan Schneider and his shows special treatment

to Nickelodeon - he's #1. every one else is number none.


I so agree with you.
Schneider and his talentless actors (Miranda and Victoria). I don't know why they keep having them sing when clearly they can't. Miranda does not have stage presence at all and Victoria just keeps trying.
Oh well. that's Nickelodeon for you.


Why do they get so many chances? It's like they push and push for them (frankly the less talented girls) and I've never seen them give Tru Jackson/Keke the backing they give those two. Their faces are kept in rotation, their shows heavily promoted even before they were doing well. They are not even the most talented on their own shows. Doing unnecessary covers/songs and just the most.

Rest in peace Peter Falk, you will be missed.

