Now I know why

I saw this movie and now I know why it still hasn't been released. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I was shocked at how bad it was. It hasn't been released and it probably never will be. Maybe they will put it on TV or release it straight to DVD, but that's about it. Horrible movie. As a Sonny Liston fan I am very disappointed this was the best they could do. Robert Townsend is an idiot.


It was eehhhh to me. It obviously took some artistic liberties: Downplaying the involvement of Blinky Palermo & Frankie Carbo in his career, not showing that Liston collected bills and busted heads for them, saying that Liston was murdered for not taking a dive (and banging his friend's girlfriend), having the press not greet him after the FIGHT, not after the FLIGHT on the airplane. What about Ali's mental warfare on him? There's still debate on how he died and whether or not he tried to cheat in the first Ali fight. Ferdie Pacheco (whom I despise) said it was simply from the ointment used on Liston's face that fell on his gloves as he sweat, and ended up in Ali's face from punches (or Ali's face from a clinch, rubbing heads with Liston).

I recommend to skip this and watch "Sonny Liston: The Mysterious Life and Death of a Champion",

