MovieChat Forums > Three and Out (2008) Discussion > Quiet Protests At Premier Last Night

Quiet Protests At Premier Last Night

Leaflet dropping by ASLEF worried that the film trivialises the subject of suicide by jumping under tube trains and the trauma this causes the drivers.

I think it doesn't although can understand their concerns and the mistake has been in the film's marketing - the trailer doesn't do the film justice at all.


I think you've hit the nail on the head there.

Although I sympathize with Mackenzie Crook's comment at the premiere ("Have you seen the movie - then you don't know what it's about."), what he and others defending the film are forgetting is that many of the protesters have seen the trailer. The purpose of a trailer is, after all, to give the viewer a (positive) view of what the film's about, and in that respect the one for Three and Out appears to have failed miserably.

I haven't seen the film, but I have seen the trailer, and it left me with a nasty taste in the mouth - certainly bad enough to put me off the film.
I've since read quite a few comments saying that it doesn't do the film justice, so at the moment I'm waiting on the reviews before I make a final decision as to whether or not I'll go to watch the film.


The trailer is insensitive.
Not that the people behind the film set out to create any controversy or anything.
