Accidents, NOT suicides

This is what fatalities occur in the film, for those of you who have not seen it:


There is a black youth on the platform holding his vicious dog on a lead, and the dog yanks him onto the track as it lunges for rats on the rails. Then as his friends try to help him up, Crook's train runs him over. It's not known what happened to the dog.


A businessman is accosted by youths on his way to the platform, then has a heart attack near the edge, and he falls onto the track, possibly already dead. Again, Crook's train runs him over.

Now, this is where it gets depressing and serious, because not all drivers are aware they may simply be accidents or genuine suicide attempts. But these WERE accidents.

Unfortunately, these are the only ones. Everything else is deliberate.


Doesn't matter if it's a suicide or an accident, you were still the one driving the train when it happened. Sometimes the families of the "one under" actually blame the driver for the death or injury (2 out of 3 survive by the way), that we could have done more to stop the train. I know cases where the relatives have abused the driver involved at the coroner’s inquiry.


Actually, isn't there a slight gap at the base of the platform and the side of the track where someone who fell off could squeeze into it if the train was too close for them to escape?

Then again, there is the danger of the live rail, which I assume is on the far side of the track, nearest the opposite wall?


the second guy wasn't accosted, it was he who rudely pushed The Big Issue seller out of the way.

and the dog jumps out of the way back on to the platform.


It's not known what happened to the dog.

The dog makes it safely back onto the platform, you can see it two shots before the shot where Crook closes his eyes (ie 1. dog jumping back on platform, 2. train heading towards victim 3. crook closes his eyes 4. spaghetti meatballs.

I can't give you the time because I have a piece of tat DVD player.


Huh, if they were accidents it would be a lot worse for the driver.
