Anybody else wonder how 30 seconds of gas can blow up a house when the gas line to abandoned houses would obviously be cut off. :P

Still a pretty good action flick.


Anybody else wonder why they huddle up against a wall of boards that the bad guys shoot right through ?

Still a pretty good action flick, as said.


Anybody else wondered why a trained cop (played by Kim Coates) going to apprehend a supposedly dangerous man, instead of just showing his badge put himself right where the guy can shoot him up (which in fact he does) ? Now that was stupid, anyone who ever watch a cop TV show would have known that.


Anybody else wonder how two angry cops can run as fast as a car driven full speed?


I know, late to the party, but its the unique combination of free coffee and doughnuts that combine to create a NOS like concoction in only highly trained and agile crime fighters like the two characters in this flick. When properly motivated, IE. its in the script, this concoction can be used to chase down even vehicles ala Lethal Weapon. I swear its true, I saw it on Google!

