Funniest Line...

'well i think i need to go back to hospital'-the film could have ended there with Matt Damon's crazy stare it was so brilliant.



this dude was a total nut! just watched it for the 2nd time yesterday and all 3 of these lines had me dying!!! i think the funniest out of the three was the "will i think i need to go back to the hospital" one!


The dad's comment was delivered perfectly by that actor. He even pushed up his glasses and you could see the resemblance to Mark in body language and glasses.

"Don't get chumpatized"! -The King of Kong (2007)


I like toward the end when he's heading up the elevator to give a confession with his lawyers -- who have been imploring him to shut up and tell them everything -- and he says to them, "You know, I haven't been completely honest with you guys about everything, but I'm gonna clear that up in here."

That cracked me up.


The whole polar bear digression was pure gold. "How do polar bears know their noses are black?" and then it went on and on...

Also loved the discussion about the German word for pen.

Brilliant, brilliant writing.


"The whole polar bear digression was pure gold. "How do polar bears know their noses are black?" and then it went on and on..."

Hahahahaha, hell yeah. "That's an awful lot of thinking for a bear."


FYI, the polar bears bit is a Ricky Gervais bit. And it's hilarious.


The funniest part was Mark's lawyers look when he told him he was going to sue Brian and the Federal Government for hitting him with a briefcase lol


Mine is kind of lame but it was the one that really started me laughing at the movie and made me realize how funny it actually was ...
at the end of the movie Matt says something about 11.5 million dollars. And the FBI agent says 11.5 million. You told us 9 million. He asks again, so how much was it. Matt's reply just got me laughing.

"I don't know. You tell me."

At this point, the whole 2 million, 5 million, 9 million thing clicked and then the conversation with lawyers ... You've got to stop talking to people ... and then the doctor's note ... and then just everything started clicking in my head and I was in tears.


Why can't people understand I'm like Tom Cruise in The Firm?


When he explains that obviously he had to tell his secretary the FBI were coming.


Just as funny as the lines were the expressions on everyone's faces when Mark came up with a new admission or contradiction: surprised looks, stunned looks, pained looks.


Yes! The expression on the DA's face when he's talking about how he expects to take over ADM once all the top guys are arrested is brilliant. She looks absolutely horrified, and yet, doesn't really want to explain the truth.


I like the part where he explains that he flosses while letting the conditioner set in his hair -- when he obviously wears a wig.


He wasn't totally bald was he? Just on top?


Hard to pick just one.

The one that made me laugh the hardest was "the Gloucanate Guy, he's out of a job!" There was a lead up that I can't quote verbatim that made this funny (which it does not seem out of context). He listed guys as ADM that were the main guys for their particular chemical, in the context of his fear of losing his job. I think it was partly the way he said it, the look on his face.

I also enjoyed the Polar Bear bit, especially at the very end when he says "that's alot of thinking for a bear" as he mused upon how the bear knows that it needs to hide it's black nose.

And the part about him obviously having to tell his secretary and the guy at ADM that he thinks of as a friend.

And when he gets frustrated with the agents repeatedly telling him to get his own lawyer and yells "I know about the lawyer!"

Just way too many funny lines in this film.


The crazy things he said in his opening statement to the court, and the eyerolling and surprised glances of the agents and others in the gallery.


There should be a tv show about a guy who calls home one day and he's there, he answers, he's talking to himself, only he's someone else. He's somehow divided into two, and the second one of him drives away and the rest of the show is about him trying to find the guy.


0014 I'm twice as smart as 007


The 0014 line was especially sweet when you do the math; in reality coming up with 1/5th as smart instead!


That was great. I thought hey, that sounds like a cool show.

Who you callin' psycho?
-Roy Munson


Wasn't there a Twilight episode with a very similar plot, starred a young Bruce Willis. I'm surprised they didn't follow through and make the connection, Mark seemed like the kind of guy that would have remembered that.


The polar bear digression was hilarious because it was so convoluted, but talking to the gardener and telling him he's 0014 was classic.


I think the funniest part was when Mark was on the phone with the FBI agent standing beside him and the agent sneezed. The look Mark gives him afterwards absolutely kills me. He stares at him in complete disgust for a straight two minutes. Loved it.


Joel Mchale looking at the granola bar box 'there's that high-fructose corn syrup again.' I dunno it was so random I cracked up.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*
