No Blood?

Well I mean there is blood but not when you kill a human I just bought the game about two weeks ago and from what I saw on trailers I thought it would be a gore fest like the first one for N64 but I was let down big time when I found out that when I kill a human there is no bloodshed can some one shed some light on this for me are they robots or some crap like that?


I think they are just wearing thick cybernetic armour, although I'm betting this was to get past the censors.


it rated m isnt it? then there realy is no censor problem. unless its from germany. damned you crytech.


Well, to be fair there is alot of blood from the animals and creatures, so maybe they were only allowed to show violence towards the dinosaurs.


there is no reason why they couldn't have human violence. and i dont like how the bodys dont move when you shoot them.
