xbox 360 cheats

Ive caved in and i want an invincibility cheat to beat the sea monster that ive tried about 50 times, i want one that i can turn off once ive beat it. Ive searched everywhere and cant find one.

Does anyone have any?

Thanks in advance


There are no cheats for this game. How exactly are you fighting the monster anyway?


I use my flamethrower on the gas pockets, then change to knife and run like hell, its when he gets the two rocks and throws them at you and doesnt give you a chance to shoot him that has me stumped, it seems almost impossible.


Don't worry about it. It took me forever to beat the monster as well.

First off you doing the right thing by shooting the gas pockets with the flamethrower, just make sure he's over them in order for the attack to work (be sure he doesnt bite you). Second, when he starts wipping his tail make sure you are at the back of the wall behind the middle gas pocket. That way he wont be able to hit you. Thirdly, when he begings throwing a whole bunch of rocks at you just continue dodging them until he dives back in the water. Find the next gas pocket that is active, run over to it and just start the whole thing again. This is what I did to beat it. Hope that helps. If you still stuck just ask again.


if you twist the analoge stick left or right and hold A in the right sequence you will dodge left or right

you can also use the alt fire of the flamethrower to hurt this bastard, but chose the right moment to use them, I can't remember what the best time is but if you use it at the wrong time it won't have any effect.

I THINK it's when he's about to go back into the water between attacks.
