Dear Thankskilling Crew

You made a really bad movie that's corny enough for people to laugh at while they're stoned. Good job, you'll never make it as sincere filmmakers. Also, it's painfully obvious that you guys wrote the wikipedia article for your own movie, and that you have made the majority of the posts on the Thankskilling imdb board. Sleep well knowing you'll never make a movie as good as Hatchet, and Hatchet wasn't even all that good.


I like how you use the word crew. Two guys in their very early 20's, right out of film school. A couple of friends and volunteer actors. Not to mention a budget of a whopping $3500.

Just to have it on the market is a thing of beauty. Honestly, nothing you could say would dampen anyone's spirit that was a part of this film. You should do a search on Twitter to see the hundreds of good post about the movie we must have written also. Not to mention all of the good reviews.

Have a great 2010



I think nunchukakata is just mad because his mom's legs are harder to close than the jonbenet ramsey case.

Fantastic movie, btw. My friends and I all loved it and only one of us was high when we watched it.


Soapy, how do you think I feel now? I sit down for a cup of coffee and waitresses that have seen the movie always ask "One turd or two?"



I don't know why they'd be so mean. This is one of my favorites movies.

Gobble gobble *beep*


Anyone who likes low budget cheesy horror movies has to watch this movie. This one is up there or down there depending on your standards with Jack Frost. Loved it good job guys.



are you guys serious? this was horrible. I mean no offense to the crew, like i understand you didnt have many resources to go from but thats not an excuse to make a piece of crap. Your writing was so bad it was ridiculous dude, i think you even used the same line twice? idk if it was on purpose or not, but even if it was it was stupid. Dont make a home made movie and market it to a general public and not expect alot of negative feedback, oh and just because there were only two of you and a low budget doesnt explain the horrible, i mean horrible, writing. Just horrible


You fail at watching movies. First off, this thing was obviously not trying to take itself seriously. The title and cover of the movie should have told you as much. It is a campy horror movie. These movies fail when they try and take themselves seriously (except Troll 2, which took itself seriously and the best way possible). This movie knows what it is. The writing is hysterically bad on purpose, as is the acting. This movie had me from the opening line. Great job everybody involved.

Oh, Indeed!


I like how you use the word crew. Two guys in their very early 20's, right out of film school. A couple of friends and volunteer actors. Not to mention a budget of a whopping $3500.

Just to have it on the market is a thing of beauty. Honestly, nothing you could say would dampen anyone's spirit that was a part of this film. You should do a search on Twitter to see the hundreds of good post about the movie we must have written also. Not to mention all of the good reviews.

^Don't make it sound like that's an excuse. Yes that's a cheap budget but there's still no excuse for something less than mediocre. I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that the filmmakers thought they made a good film or the that someone was actually stupid enough to distribute it. You say it cost about $3500 to make. Did they spend $500 making it and $3000 paying someone off to distribute it? Because I can't see how this was a good investment toward whoever made that decision.

And if there are good reviews for this somewhere, I'm sure they're not of the most credible source. At least not one I would put any faith in. I love horror films and even cheesy ones I can deal with. But there's so many good low-budget horror films that when someone passes this kind of crap off as being intentionally bad, it makes me wonder anyone would settle for being bad when you had the opportunity to make it as good as you could have.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.


Haha, you could not be more wrong. I went to school with the guys that made ThanksKilling. Nobody, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY involved with this movie set out to make a "good movie".


I watched the movie last night with my wife because it was recommended to me on Netflix and I HAD To see it. Neither of us were high, although we were a few beers deep, no doubt.

We LOVED this movie. All of the one-liners and turkey references were classic. This movie isn't for anyone that takes themselves too seriously. Just relax and laugh at the ridiculous storyline.

Props to the crew. Ignore the haters, can't wait to see more!


Haha, you could not be more wrong. I went to school with the guys that made ThanksKilling. Nobody, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY involved with this movie set out to make a "good movie".

Who sets out to make a bad movie? Well, that settles it then the film makers passed off a horrible movie and someone actually distributed it. I'm gonna make a movie now with no budget just to prove I can make a better film than this piece of *beep*

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die.


Good luck you butt pirate.


"I'm gonna make a movie now with no budget just to prove I can make a better film than this piece of *beep*"

God, you sound so ignorant.

"If you mess with the King's Queens, you better watch your Ace, Jack."


M night shamalama ding dong makes bad movies all the time and he has a budget


Post before me: Hilarious.


This film is supposed to be stupid and was filmed in my county its on the news heres the link



don't talk about it - be about it. look forward to seeing your movie! but be warned: you will have trolls all over your message board telling everyone how much your movie failed, no matter what your intentions...


ThanksKilling is an awesome movie. Better than anything Quentin Tarantino ever did.



I agree, ThanksKilling was absolute crap. I bet $10 I could due a better horror film with the same budget, and I am a in High school.



Dear Thankskilling Cast & Crew.

Thank you for a great Thanksgiving Tradition that I have watched every year on that date since I first heard of this movie. Congrats for making this an underground cult classic. It's impressive to have a movie reach this stat right out of film school! I look forward to the sequel! =)
