Did the dad...

*beep* a raw piece of meat in that one scene...?
I thought that's what I saw, but that scene left me wtf'ing.


Yes he did and what made it worse was the shot afterwards of the meat when he put it down. Worse still was the fact that he had an audience whilst doing it and they were smiling!! Nasty!


I'm not certain, but I believe that was a human organ. All the other body parts were strewn about the room. Definitely one of the grosser scenes in the film.


yes he was pleasuring him self with a human organ, pretty sick scene really with the family stood behind him watching and enjoying it.


Not to mention this movie was shot in HD you can clearly see


You've never had your way with a cut of meat? You my friend are missing a whole world of pleasure...

Just so we're clear, only use animal meat, not people meat!


Ah but what organ would you recommend?


Meh, I tend to just go with cuts... The idea of using a kidney or something is icky lol


Okay, now I'm worried because I don't think you're joking anymore...


I sure as *beep* ain't joking. You're the weird one for trying to make me feel strange because I *beep* meat. *beep* you!


Yep he sure did i loved this film you just don`t see that everyday , i think it was a human liver , an when he put it down , you had a clear view of his spunk drippin out . GROSS


Yep he sure did i loved this film you just don`t see that everyday , i think it was a human liver , an when he put it down , you had a clear view of his spunk drippin out . GROSS

Yea I must say that when they showed the meat a second time with the stuff oozing out that was the definite EWW OH GOD! moment for me. I could have did without seeing that, but other than that I thought this was a pretty good movie. Ending was predictable, but it didn't ruin anything. Twisted and strange - B+

Darling, you can't rape a townie......


lol, I watched this at the weekend and already me and my mates have got a new saying of "jizzy liver". Absolutely rank.

"Yeu are da wan who is spowsed to be telling stories about biers det go shahh-ping!"


I hear a pig's heart is a good choice, you can even wire it up to a battery to make it twitch while you're at it (not the mains tho you don't want to electrocute yourself).

Question: Did you ever hurt yourself to make somebody sorry?


Ok, now I'm scared.


It looked like the same piece of meat the family is having for lunch…


So you can have your cake and eat it.


It was a uterus (the idea coming from the real life Ed Gein)

Learn you basic anatomy children!!!!!


I don't think he was doing it for sexy kicks. He was just seasoning it ready for cooking.

MMmmmm. Salty.


lmao...I wonder when will that recipe appear on Come Dine With Me...


I agree Andrew, I paused it on repeat viewing (I know, I know!) and it even has some outer "lips" attached.

A truely vile, but effective, scene!

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There is a horror movie called American Pie, which has a similar scene. Only in that movie the guy was using a pie. I don't know which one is more effective, a piece of meat or pie.
