MovieChat Forums > Mum & Dad (2008) Discussion > Could the police have mistaken Lena for ...

Could the police have mistaken Lena for the ringleader?

I just thought at the end as she stood under the overflying planes and yelled triumphantly whether the police would arrest HER as the ringleader!


No, for one, why would she kill her companions, multilate her own speech organs and all kinds of illogical things.

For two, she had a family who simply wasnt in contact, she had work, supposedly friends, who could all attest to her getting missing.

Her employer would certainly notice her being "Gone" and was told the story that wont reaflect reality.

She has a story to tell and so does the boy that was left alive.

Its also very likely the family survived other than the suffocated girl because those stab wounds are not mortal unless they dont go to a hospital and with police bieng there they surely would get there. i doubt thier testimony would try to incriminate her enough to not be seen as a lie by the judge.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I think the police would arrest anyone standing over two bodies, holding a knife at the time.
But once they had her at the station and heard her story and searched the house, she would definitely be let off.

Like you said, her employer would notice she was missing, and once the police searched the house they would find that guy pinned up to the wall and traces of all sorts of body parts.
And hopefully Eblie would give a statement (or write one if he really couldn't speak)
And they'd also see the conditions that the disabled daughter had been living in.

I like to think that at least one of them survived to face their punishment. I think Birdie did, but maybe one of the parents as well.
But then again I think if Birdie was trialed, she would try to pin it all on Lena and make out that she was the one who was kidnapped.
