Wtf is this?

And why is it ratee 6.5? This movie looks like a direct to dvd crapfest. You paranoid and fanatic christians are a joke, please leave Imdb


That being nothing more than your opinion. This board is for everyone....seeing how YOU CHOSE to come to the page for a Christian movie maybe you're the one needing a reality check and find an alternate place to be.



Bahahahahaha!! This movie was just terrible. Acting was worse than sub-par porn movies.


I just came across it flipping channels and managed to watch 10 minutes. Some of the worst acting I have seen in a while. How anyone could sit through this is beyond me. Either religious people are desperate for entertainment or they just do not have taste. Go figure.


Oh yes because the crowd who continuously giving their time to crap movies/tv shows like the Kardashian show, Real housewives of wherever or the constant repeated storylines in movies by stars like Katherine heigel, Jennifer Lopez, and Tom Cruise are really displaying such good taste in their screening choices. Taking something as menial as a movie to be rude and stereotypical to christian by a non christian, go figure.


I loved this movie!

Very refreshing and moving.



Pretty vitriolic reaction to a story urging you to learn to love your spouse with true, unselfish, self-sacrificing love. What a horrible trait to have a story about.

You've got radical muslims all over the world enslaving women, making them show nothing but their eyes, can't go out in public without their man, can't drive, can't go to school or they'll kill them, abducting whole villages and making sex slaves of them, killing, burning, cutting off heads, setting off bombs, killing school children, killing newspaper employees over their dumb rules, killing thousands and thousands of people all over the world and you are getting this hateful over a romantic story of a healed marriage because it has some Christians themes about God's love.

Take a look in the mirror dude. Talk about calling good evil and calling evil good. Why don't you find something legitimate to get upset about.

Deutschland hat die Weltmeisterschaft zum vierten Mal gewonnen! πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ


I completely agree with you William hanz. I wish a lot of people thought like you.
