MovieChat Forums > Here Discussion > Armenian point of view

Armenian point of view

OK, first of all I would like to say, that this film can be interesting only for Armenian audience and for fans of the director and main cast. There are a lot of positive moments, including the acting, operator's work and the idea in general. The chemistry between Ben Foster and Lubna Azabal is really fascinating. I just don't get: why Armenia, why not an Armenian actress, what was the idea of making what seems to be a decent love story in a place, about which the author seems to have no idea. I can only say, that everything considering Armenia, and Armenian nowadays and picture of common Armenian family is way too far from our reality, even the music, except the song by Arto Tunchboyajian. Why?


I'm also Armenian. Here's my opinion. This movie was well shot, it had a good concept, HOWEVER, casting someone who can not even speak Yerevan Armenian to play a girl from Yerevan Armenia was an incredibly stupid idea. It ruined most of the film for me. There are so many photogenic and talented young actresses in Yerevan starving for work and this movie just made me mad. Also if you are talking about that song towards the beginning of the film were Will is driving Gaderine to her folks' house... that was not Armenian- the words were in Armenian but to call that song Armenian is simply a fallacy. Anyways, this movie was a fine attempt I suppose and was at times enjoyable to watch but I am not satisfied... our nation's cinema is still sleeping.
