
One thing i don't get is that the train heading in a certain direction to a specific destination - the border, and hence slowly away from.the state where caspers gang is from. And yet for some.of the film the story plays out as if it is a stationary setting that people can walk in and out of with ease.

For example the kid smiley. He is told to get off by casper and slowly walks back to the gang home. Which can't be that close because the train was moving through the night as the 3 gangsters slept.

Yet he managed to walk back to the gang, attend the conference and then still get to the next town in.time.for the train to arrive ( even though we saw it moving again through the day) to charlar with the local youth and then catch the train.

Then again when casper and the girl.get off the train quite a bit later in the story they have no transport yet conveniently manage to get to the house of someone casper knows well.enough to feed and house them.both and who also knows the sol guy from.his chapter. ok i get that it can be explained.that it was someone from outside his area he worked with but it just such a coincidence that he happens to get off walking distance to the only person he the world.that won't shoot him on the spot. And then the girl.just happens the guy she was travelling at the shelter and then ms 13 happen to get the right coyote ( camper was.a very careful type) and smiley just happens standing in the bit casper is running to.

And how did smiley get to the other ms13 chapter ( which from the conversation seemed a distant one) he was sent away and clearly arrived there on his own.


My impression was that El Casper (Sayra follows) got off the train when he did because he knew he was close to "Auntie's" home. He (and his homies) apparently had made that train ride many times before, as he knew exactly where they needed to disembark and hoof it around the railway checkpoint.

Some of the other time/place issues might be able to be explained away by the use of car rides from affiliates in other towns.

The continuity depends on the idea that the Central American trains don't really cover a lot of ground. Delays such as the derailment which postponed the start of the trip are probably common. Also, these trains stop in every little town they pass through, whereas a few motivated gangsters in a car could make very good time.
