MovieChat Forums > The Diary of Anne Frank (2010) Discussion > Who else could play the parts?

Who else could play the parts?

Here's my idea. And I'm NOT saying the actual cast wasn't perfect I'm just curious to see people's ideas.

Anne Frank... Dakota Blue Richards

Otto Frank... David Haig

Margot Frank... Holly Grainger

Edith Frank... Sally Whittaker

Mrs Van Daan... Julie Walters

Mr Van Daan... Hate doing this but I don't know.

Peter Van Daan... Ciaran Joyce

Mr Dussel... Robbie Coltrane

Miep Gies... Juliet Stevenson

Pick your own and tell me what you think of mine!

Jordan =]


Julie Walters as a man unless it's a typo.

'Love isn't about loving the perfect person, it's about loving the imperfect person perfectly'



I will edit it. She's meant to be MRS Van Daan
