Rodney + Felix

At the end of the season finale, what happened to Rodney & Felix? Did they break up? I think I saw a scene where Rodney picked up a couple of suitcases and started walking towards the door, while Felix sat there. It looks like Rodney was leaving Felix. However, I thought they are happy together now because Felix came out and said Rodney was the best thing ever happened to him?

Did they break up?


It was a bit ambiguous, I thought.

My guess was that Felix was unshaven and watching sports on TV, 'cos his career had taken a hit because of coming out.

I didn't think Rodney was leaving, though, just going to work. It only looked to me like maybe a laptop and a briefcase that he was picking up.

Only my guess...

"Dave's out.
I'm in.
And stop saying mock."


I think that it meant that they are quite cozy and happy, living together, that Felix didn't really need to look up when Rodney walked a married couple:) At least I hope:)


I hope so too.

There weren't many happy endings, and darnit, I like happy endings!!

"Dave's out.
I'm in.
And stop saying mock."

