MovieChat Forums > The Starter Wife (2008) Discussion > If you like this show, ignroe this post....

If you like this show, ignroe this post. I need to rant.

Seriously. I'm trying to watch House and every single commercial break I get this crap. Yes I do mean crap. Old reworked crap from every single female centered dramcom in the past ten years. Gee lets put a sassy plucky white rich bitch in a "desperate" situation, and watch the mayhem! Ohh, life on the edge, she can't afford to pay for lunch at Brio because she's going through a divorce, and she can't get a date because she's old, pity her, but wait, someone's noticed her struggle! Is that some tall handsome man who's realized that just because she's forty doesn't mean she's not *beep* able?

And don't even get me started on the fact that she's a damn skeleton. Yeah, that's sexy. I like hear bones rattle when a women walks down the street. Not to mention completely unrealistic. Although I suppose when hubby pays a few grand a year in lipo it's easy to look like the crypt keeper. Hey, I think I just figured out an awesome subplot for season two! It centers around her ever expanding ass!

Seriously. Let's do a chronological list of TV shows with a similar plot and similar looking/acting women.

Ally McBeal
Sex and the City
Desperate Housewives

Do any of the women (or women's husbands) in these shows make less than $50,000 a year?

And, Part 2 of my rant has to do with these constant blathering retarded puns that do with life/wife.

Lets do a list of THIS hackneyed crap now.

"Life after Wife."
"Wife goes on." (God I hate Joe Montenga for saying that.)

I mean I'd like to add some of my own crap I've written (if they've not already hacked this out.)

"Wife or death."
"The time of your wife."
"Wife is over."

I've seriously started changing the channel every time I see this commercial (which sucks because it's on every ten minute) because there's nothing at all redeemable about it, and every time I see it my hate grows larger and I die a little inside because people actually watch this crap and enjoy it.

I hope this show ends soon. But considering the long running serieses that it is ripping off, it probably will go on for at least 5 seasons. *beep*.

"Hey, can I keep one of her tits?"


I like the show, the miniseries was much better than I expected and the series is good too, with the unavoidable changes even.

I just wish the series was not about Molly's money troubles. That has been done to death in TV movies, the cliched divorced woman struggling to make ends meet and how to cut corners. The show doesn't have to appeal to real life women going through this. I would like this show to be more escapist.

If I were a writer on the show, I would show Kenny getting a great new job running a studio and flush with money and showering it on Molly and his daughter out of guilt.


I just can't believe this crap got turned into a proper series. I watched the final episode of the mini-series and was embarrassed at how awful the writing and acting was. I'm glad Stephen Moyer got a job on True Blood, Thank God!


JokerJake, you're the man. I love house and Law and Order Criminal Intent and literaly EVERY time there is a commercial, that b*tch appears on screen!!! My wife likes all that Lifetime crap and she even thought the show is a joke and not worth the hype. I hope this show bombs and USA learns a lesson about over exposure of their own shows. They must be hemoragging (?) money on this sh*t and they deserve it. Someone posted that USA did the same for Physch and Monk and In Plain SIght, but there is no way. THey have been promoting this garbage since August, 2 Months before the crap got on tv. JokerJake, great post and could not have said it better myself!!


**My wife likes all that Lifetime crap and she even thought the show is a joke and not worth the hype.**

To paraphrase jokerjake, you mean Wifetime Network, don't you? I usually don't like to go out of my way to diss something that other people obviously enjoy. But this d@mn thing is annoying me to death! It's not just the promos. I still like Monk and Psych, even though they are promoted to death, too, albeit with more comedy and wit than Wife could ever imagine. But it's the type of promo for this dud, the awful gurly-gurly bubble gum teenie-tune music. It's Messing's alien-like red tipped tentacles masquerading as fingertips reaching around the corner of that book. It's that upchucking ex husband who is destroying her worthless empty life by allowing the meat "literally to fall off the bone". And it's the hideous Judy Davis whose pock marked face looks like the small poxed cheeks on Josef Stalin. What can you do when you like to watch Jag, NCIS, and some L&O reruns and enjoy Monk and Psych and you are annoyed to death by the advertising for this vapid treacle?


Just because some of U guys like certain genre of programs doesn't make this a bad show. This is quite a decent show. Infact one of the best series on air these days. Its quite funny and really getting interesting by episode. May be U guys should stick to some of the craps (Monk, etc) U watch and bother not shed ur hatred here.


thought I would hate it (the promos ARE cloying) but...*surprise* I'm finding it to be be smart and funny. Don't just go by the commercials, guys. Try watching an episode or two.


I know you said to ignore this post if you like the show, but I thought I'd speak up a little in its defense.

Yes, it's a cliche to a certain extent; but there's a reason that cliche sticks around, and it's because it does have an audience. There are plenty of people who really love this show, because of any number of aspects about the characters that appeal to them.

There are tons of commercials around, yes, but that will settle down as the season progresses. The Starter Wife promos don't really bother me, but there are some commercials that absolutely bug the CRAP out of me and I just mute them, or fast forward if it's recorded on my DVR.

I happen to love Judy Davis, and Chris Diamantapoulos' character is brilliant, and Hart Bochner's a draw for me too. I think there are others who feel like me, or are drawn to the show for other reasons. :)


droop, i'm with you. I like watching this show. It obviously does not take itself too seriously, and we need that sometimes. I can't wait for the next eposide to air, and I sometimes watch one episode more than once


I'm really disappointed in this series. I thought the mini-series was smart and fun, but this is just flat and boring. I hated the way they got rid of Joe Montegna tonight. What was the point of it? She needs to get money again and bring the glamor back to the series. Without glamor, she's just a selfish, spoiled single mother who lives a tedious life.


I like that Molly isn't perfect. Like... she makes mistakes and she isn't always a good friend, you know? Her flaws are what make me really like the show. And Judy Davis, of course. ;) And I love Rodney forever.


God I hate Judy Davis more than Dick Cheney hates his hunting buddies.

I thought she was great in The Ref, an excellent portrayal of a stuck-up bitch in a boring going nowhere life and marriage.

Then I learned she wasn't freakin acting.

"Hey, can I keep one of her tits?"
