MovieChat Forums > Frayed (2009) Discussion > How can ayone give this a high score - S...

How can ayone give this a high score - Spoilers

Watched as long as I could. However, 40 Minutes into the movie turned off of Chiller Channel which is currently showing this to another channel that had more interesting stuff on.

Soo Slow which could have really been sped up and played with. We, have the sister going out in the future and lying about a party, this after a visit with the boy explaining he is a kind of Mike Meyers type of killer.

Ok good if it did not take soo long to even get to a Mike Meyers or Jason type of hint.

Jason was Kind of hinted after a person outside of the hospital kind of supernaturally attacks the security guard. You have to guess it may be the boy and back to Mike Meyers or Jason type. This is horror after all.

They spent more time to setup plot with nothing happening than needed except a few minutes of what would be called a real horror setup. The MOM Killed, The Sister going to a party and lying to the parents, The Kid in the Mental Ward, The person attacking the security guard.

40 Minutes of totally wasted time so far. Almost fell asleep before screaming out this is Sooo (Add your word here) boring and changing the channel.

At this point I really did not care. I was bored out of my mind. Let the Mike Meyers slasher go to the party and kill everyone, let the Jason guy chase down the people that did him wrong, Heck even bring in Freddy Kreuger. That could not save this movie from the boredom or even be worth waiting for.

Bring them all in Freddy, Jason, Mike Meyers, other slashers. That may have saved this junk movie when this is presented as a slasher movie. The plot was setup to go all of those ways anyway. Just very slow and boring so who cares after 40 minutes of total boredom in a 2 hour movie.

May watch this again to put me to sleep some day.


I agree with you. Well for the most part. I thought omg another film, suppose to be scary but typical. However, I kept watching. You should to. Some great twists in the entire story. Worth watching!!!! I really just thought it was a knock off of Halloween. Its not at all!!


Well, if you turned this off after 40 minutes, then you did not watch the film. And, because you did not watch the film, you do not know what happened after you turned it off, correct? Then please, answer me this question...What right do you have to post anything about it, especially anything about how "bad" of a film it is? Just curious, as you seem to believe that your opinion means something.

"I kept it in a cage,
watched it weeping but I made it stay"


Clif, CLif, Clif.....dont you understand that opinions are like bung holes and everybody has one? Just because you think it doesnt deserve a good score doesnt mean I dont. Matter of fact, it was one of the better horror movies Ive seen in the last 10 or so years.


Then you've been watching some sh!t horror, my friend. This started out good with the brutal killing of mom, then plunked and plodded its way into a messy web of predictable, intelligence-insulting tripe. Tried so hard to be interesting and intelligent, but failed miserably and would've been much better off as a traditional slasher.
