MovieChat Forums > Books of Blood (2020) Discussion > Which story was your favorite? *spoilers...

Which story was your favorite? *spoilers*

Eventhough this was an anthology movie but which story was your favorite?


They have 3 volumes of Clive Barker’s books of blood and all they use (loosely) the wrap around story? And they put it in the middle?
Pretty disappointing.


How are they?

I read a couple of stories in the first volume and I was a bit disappointed, perhaps I was expecting more from the guy behind Hellraiser. Do they get better?


They’re all better than what was in this film. I mean I understand that not everything translates well into film, but They could’ve done so much better. Volume 1 is excellent. what stories did you read?


The two first stories in the book, and I left it after them.

I must concede that perhaps I was expecting something more like the Hellraiser comics (the ones written by Clive Barker), which have more of a fantasy vibe and are quite well written.

I've seen quite a few horror movies (it's my favorite genre, after all), and the problem is that traditional horror short stories become a bit predictable after a while.


I honestly just liked the way they wove the stories together. It was an interesting concept and the acting overall was quite good. I actually wish Jenna had gotten a more brutal ending, as *SPOILERS* she was directly responsible for her boyfriends death, and was clearly a terrible person. I enjoyed what happened to Simon, and LOVED when they showed how he had pulled off the con, so brilliant. Also, I realized later that the actor, Rafi, is the one that plays Ally's manager in A Star is Born and so I enjoyed his "ending" even more after that, as that piece of garbage (character, not actor) is the reason Jack gave up in ASiB. Seemed poetic that way, lol.
Also, shout out to Nicholas Campbell (Sam) who played Sheriff Wuornos in Haven, one of my all-time favorite shows. It was so fun to see him play a bit of a psycho!


I've never heard of this. Is it like Cat's-eye. One common element binding the different stories together.
