25 lbs?

"The doctor said that if you just lose 25 pounds you'd be fine"

...Right, more like 65-70 lbs. There's no way somebody that morbidly obese would be fine after losing 25 pounds. She probably already has either diabetes or insulin resistance.



she looked like she weighed 250 pounds and was only 4'10'?


As someone who is overweight, I have "only" lost 30 pounds, and it has made an impact on my health. I'm not in the clear for problems, but it does make a difference.

RIP Estelle Getty


25 pounds makes a difference, even if she is more overweight than that. To say unless she can lose 80-100, she shouldn't lose any at all is just stupid.



"I'm a firm believer that the human body was in fact meant to have a good 10-20 lbs of fat on it at all times."

If you are a man that weighs 170 lbs, 10 lbs. of body fat is less than 6% of your weight. Even 20 lbs. puts you at 11.6% which is still pretty low and would put you in that "thin" category that "would all die within 1-2 weeks" if we were to "Try surviving without modern technology".

This fabricated scenario you've made here that you have masquerading as a product of scientific reasoning should have been thought through a little better. It had promise, but the third act really fell apart.


Also, Nikki is nowhere near 125 pounds overweight, more like 70-80. She weighs about 185.



dude, the girl is only 4'10, there is no way she is over 200 pounds. I'm the same height as her and was about as big as she is now when I was around 180. Trust me, I was her body double until very recently. I'm sorry I keep contributing to this because I wish everyone could stop talking about her friggin weight. But i'm just pointing this out as someone wh oused to be Nikkis size.


"The only truly accurate weigh to measure someone's body fat is with a pulse frequency."

Who's talking about measuring body fat? You gave a specific figure of 10-20 lbs. of body fat on a given person "at all times". You didn't say EXTRA (!!!) weight as you claim here: "I however used a VERY specific reference of 10-20 lbs of EXTRA weight". Go ahead and re-read your own post. I'd say your failure to express yourself clearly subjects you to your own (quite unoriginal) fall-back strategy of insulting those who challenge your supposed expertise in the subject area.

"Someone weighing 170 lbs at 6 feet tall could have 6% body fat or, they could have 30% body fat."

Let me try to put it more simply than I did in my last post. At 170 lbs., 10 pounds of fat = less than 6% of total weight. Therefore, using your own figure (10 lbs. of fat) this 170-lb. person would be at about 6% body fat. Were it 20 lbs., it would be roughly 12%. Simple stuff.

"Apparently in this world of miscalculation of yours, bones, skin, major organs and other tissue don't exist"

This has no relevance whatsoever to any specific component of my last post.

"The human body in starvation mode isn't going to burn through more than half a lb of fat a day, thus making you look even more incompetent and ignorant."

How so? I didn't offer any speculative, imaginary scenario that would essentially render thin people unable to survive for more than 1-2 weeks like you did. I simply pointed out that your numbers don't match up.

"Also, once it runs out of fat, it will start to absorb lean muscle and lastly, protein and nutrients from the bones and skin."

Again, this has nothing to do with anything I have said. Stating this doesn't change the fact that your figure of 10-20 lbs. of fat puts a 170 lb person at a relatively low body fat percentage of less than 12%.

"Thin would be someone in the 3-6% ratio."

There are so few people that are well nourished that naturally fall into that range. I'm about 8% body fat and I'm considered lean, certainly. Many professional athletes register at about 12% to 13% at their playing weights. Three percent is insanely low, dude.



Wow, you certainly are convincing.

Hey, man, if you want to argue till you're blue in the face that people "need" an extra 20 lbs. of fat on their bodies, go ahead. I have nothing to say about that (other than it appears you're trying hard to convince yourself you're better off being a little pudgy than the guy at the other end of the gym who has ripped abs and the hot blonde). You just put out some inaccurate figures. That's my entire argument. The foundation is in the post of yours that I initially referred to.

That superiority complex of yours needs managing.



"Meanwhile I'm much happier being a very good looking, highly talented musician and artist who happens to have a TINY bit of extra weight which hovers over my rather large genitals."

Like I said, check the ego, pal.





The human body in starvation mode burns lean tissue and muscle first, not fat.


Nikki is short so 25 pounds lost probably would be drastic on her. Viceaversa where as somebody tall can gain 10-15 pounds and easily hide it, those pounds would be obvious on somebody so tiny.


Maybe the doctor thought 100 lbs sounded a bit too drastic. 25 lbs is much more realistic and it could lead to the start of something good.


B/c losing some weight is better than no weight! Even if she remained big after a 25 lb loss, she'd feel better, be healthier, and see a difference.

I think the 25lb loss is more of a health concern, not an apparence issue!
