No animal disclaimer

After watching the entire credits, I saw no acknowledgement that the American Humane Association monitored the animals, so none were harmed. I particularly didn't like the scene where He was being chased by the "Ni**er Dog", and he proceed to kill it.


The "dog" attacking him was CGI like the "bear" in The Revenant, the roasted dog wasn't a dog either. The pigs eating the dead bodies looked real though.




I don't think they killed actual humans to shoot the film. His concern is whether animals were injured during production.


Lol you're an idiot,seriously.u said nothing about the people being hung or hurt back u realise that it is illegal to hurt any animal in any way during filming? Well guess what,the director is very well informed and aware of it,it wasn't real when he killed the dog and if u we're ever chased by a dog that is literally trained to kill u I hope you're smart and strong enough to kill it..


This person is an "idiot" for inquiring about the welfare and safety of innocent animals? YOU are a douche... What kind of A-hole has zero regard for the safety of animals? A man that cannot be trusted, and that is a fact! The people were acting and no one was hurt, animals on the other hand can be hurt or killed and it's illegal and inhumane... You don't get it because you are cold.


Pretty sure it was a fake. I had a bigger problem when 3 kids were hung. And also shen a man was chased down, beaten and hujg with his pants down, desecrated. Not gonna bother arguing any further because everyone is gonna believe they're right. But next time don't be accusing people of being cold-hearted when they're simply more concerned about the deaths of kids and the desecration of a dead man treated worse than an animal. Even though they knew those were actors and the animals were cgi.
