This and Indy 4...

I dont know much about this movie aside from the fact that it's a throwback to old sci fi B movies. Im wondering if this was influenced at all by Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It's even set in 1957 like Crystal Skull.


That's pretty far-fetched, still. They were just trying to make an old-skool movie, the old-skool way, as far as I know. (They said something like that on Hollywood 411, anyways.)

Never rub another man's rhubarb.~The Joker, '89


They are completely unrelated as far as I can tell. I think it is useful to recall that the entire Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) phenomenon exists as George Lucas's homage to the Saturday matinee serials he loved (and so many other fans loved). So it is a tribute to the '30s serials, Flash Gordon and so many other memorable ones. Alien Trespass is of course an homage to the countless 1950s sci fi films, which for the fans succeeded the serials as Saturday morning fodder a decade or so later. Lucas, as he proved earlier with Star Wars (and before that with his execution for Coppola of American Graffiti) was able to tap into an immense pool of nostalgia. The filmmakers of Alien Trespass made a decent enough pastiche film, but completely miscalculated the audience -as other posters have remarked there is no obvious audience for this item.

I am not a fan of pastiche: I don't appreciate the work of Quentin Tarantino at all, as he recycles detritus of popular culture. In my solopsistic universe he would not even be a flop -he would be a never-was. I sat through the Jack Hill films and the Enzo Castellari films when they were new -enjoyed some, hated others, but don't see the point of copying them or even "improving" upon them. But QT has won the day -people actually consider him original so he gets the last laugh.


Well, there's a built-in audience of hardcore science-fiction fans who will likely love the film, and it may possibly become a cult item on the convention circuit the way TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN did. But the first post on the thread really hits home to the fact that not only are fans of 50s science fiction dwindling (or at least not growing at replacement levels), but there is an unbelievable amount of willing ignorance about pre-STAR WARS science fiction that even hurts the film's chances there.


i was at a q&a w/ goodwin and he said his influences were from the b movies he watched when he was younger like War of the Worlds and The Day the Earth Stood Still. Crystal Skull had no influence on it. the reason it takes place in 1957 is because he wrote it/started writing it in 2007. 2007 minus 50 years is 1957
