Why do people watch this?

I watch many SYFY shows, but this one and the other ghost hunters show to me are a bunch of BS! The commercials for these shows are so fake. The people are soooo dramatic with their replays. I don't mean to offend anybody but, come on these shows are pathetic!

You may be right, I might be crazy, but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for!


Uh, Kris Williams. And the locales are interesting, too. But I see what you mean. I'm gonna turn it into a drinking game every time somebody says, "What the hell was that?" and "Did you hear that?"

Well sir, you can blame me, I mean, I'm the one that shot him.


I agree. ..why do people watch such shows...they're not real cos ghosts don't exist when u die your soul either goes to heaven if you're good or to hell if you're bad so what these people are experiencing is the devil or his minions that have been let in through a portal someone accidentally or intentionally opened...so get real people ghosts DO NOT exist! !!


I stopped watching while ago
Ever notice just before every commercial they overreact like something about to happen then after commercials nothing happens.

Its not just this show they do the same lame ass crap on destination truth and fact or faked.

Its like they know these shows are stupid and its their way in trying to keep people from changing the channel by misleading them into thinking something is going to happen.


90% of the 300 million people that live in America are idiots ;p

Why else is reality tv so strong while coherent stories are "weak" (profit wise).

People are willing to watch lowest budget productions, and hence all we get are "lowest budget productions."
