This movie was hilarious

I saw it at the Los Feliz theatre in LA, and it was honestly really funny. Very Waiting for Guffman, in the sense that it's a mockumentary about people who take something silly waaay too seriously. Great physical comedy, and the dialogue is great.


The three lead characters were awesome and made the movie for me. The acting was pitch perfect for this type of film.


The main couple were great, I agree. The semi retarded Napoleon wanna-be / side kick got annoying after a while. And the soundtrack was terrible. But as a 1st movie, it's a good and funny effort. 6/10.

"Look, Hank. Have you ever seen such a beautifully punted baby?" - King of the Hill



I wanted to pluck my eyes out. At 85 minutes it was probably 75 minutes too long. This is not in the league of any mockumentary I can think of. It was humourless, tedious, boring and none of the characters were more than one-note. An embarrassing waste of film.


Well said.

That was truly atrocious. Similar opinions from a couple of reviewers.
Seemed humorous at the start, then descended into total idiocy. I rated it "1".

As a Canadian, I'm embarrassed. Not sure if this was government-sponsored, as many of our films are, but if so there should be audit to find who spent taxpayer money on this little turd.
Oz & New Zealand also sponsor locally made films & they can produce award-winning gems, but Canada just throws money down the toilet on trash like this.
