
I mistakenly streamed this movie hoping to get what I hoped to be a good movie of the same title

I was upset at first, but after the first few minutes, I was hooked!
This movie (animated simulation) is hilarious!
Case after case of nonsense, quote mining, logical fallacies, and already debunked sightings (given it is slightly dated).

I love how the rip I got was from the US sci-channel and 'coming up next, crossing over with jon edwards' flashed below the screen.

Some people will believe anything!


You're an assh*le.


And some people will stroke their egos by pretending to be so superior.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


The OP may have a bit of an attitude, but he's also valid in his critique to a fair degree.
While a decent documentary on the phenomenon, it's also pretty polemic, and cites cases that I wouldn't consider credible, such as the alleged UFO landing in Trans En Provence.
If it's gonna cite such cases as "legit" or at least an anomaly, then one wonders what other cases they regard as genuine, that probably aren't.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"


Debunker - someone who debunks, a person who exposes or discredist claims as being false, exagerated or pretentious, often without any knowledge on the topic. Debunkers often will lie and claim to be skeptics, or as I put it, debunkers often like to wear 'skeptic masks' in order to hide their true selves.

Skeptic - One who doesn't easily or readily accept any side, pro or con, of a claim. A skeptic may express doubt regarding a claim but doesn't dismiss it offhand as with debunkers. With regards to UFOs, a skeptic would repsond, "I am skeptical of UFOs being extratterrestrial in origin, however I admit that it is a possibility."

True Believers - People who easily or readily accept a claim without much need of evidence or proof.

Proponent (as in UFO Proponent) - Individuals open to the possibiloity of UFOs being extratterrestrial but who also retain skepticism regarding various claims while admitting the lack of evidence or proof for it's validity or existance.


Some people will believe anything!

Which is exactly what your post shows. You will believe whatever you want to believe. Meanwhile the more rational among us keep an open mind and understand that all it takes is 1 single case in the entire documentary for your own theory on the subject to be disproved.

Pessimists see difficulty in every opportunity. Optimists see opportunity in every difficulty.



Perhaps you work for the Government, disseminating denial and ridicule about a subject that clearly can't simply be the result of mass delusion or hysteria. I suggest you open your closed mind.

There is real life ... and then there are movies!


You are one of them....understand?!
