MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > This movie is extremely fast paced shoul...

This movie is extremely fast paced should have been a 2 our movie

I loved the movie but IMO the movie was too fast paced so much happening in too little time....she will be stronger wen d blood moon comes out all of a sudden the witch was out on a killing spree kills the assistant... The spook goes in search for the spook with out much argument the boy just follows him cause his life literally s**cked but common?! All of a sudden he is in life the witches battle them and the so called power die in what?! Just 60 of battle..Eragon had a better plot than this...Even our hero the seventh son wasn't given enough background...


Not just that but character motivations made no sense.
At the start of the film hes trying to kill wild deer with a knife, then later he decides he cant kill a witch that turns into a giant bear and has killed dozens of people? Maybe we can buy that he doesn't want to kill all witches, but that one specifically he decides he cant kill. Ugh, whatever


Agreed, the writing was extremely sloppy but fortunately balanced by *some* good performances and special effects.
Jeff Bridges, again, looked good in his role but his speech was super-weird and distracting. Julianne Moore never does anything for me and I found her bland here as well.
And yes, everything went too fast. For example, you see Kandyse McClure's face for barely 10 seconds all in all - she's supposed to be one of the major antagonists - and bang! - dead!
