MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > big name cast, cool graphics & decent st...

big name cast, cool graphics & decent story but still left unsatisfied

Just watched this and this looked good in the trailer, it has big name cast, the graphics were great in areas and decent story but overall its just joins a list of fantasy/action/adventure movies in my opinion that are more style over substance:
van helsing, twilight saga, the later harry potter movies, eragon, dungeon and dragons, chronicles of narnia movies, mortal kombat, 47 ronin and man of steel.

it just left a taste of too much unnecessary graphics over story telling and building up to a big climax insteasd there was too many action scenes over the whole film and then they tried to move to the next big scene without a collective pause and then a rebuild up again.

The cast wasn't great either in the specific roles especially Jeff Bridges i think he didn't suited the knight role (more a crappy copy of nicholas cage or ron perlman in season of the witch) and his voice and the awful lookings jaw/beard just made him abit of joke rather thena seasoned witch slayer.
Kit Harrington would have been better suited to the Tom Ward character rather then the good looking but bland Ben Barnes, he was similarly bland in the narnia movies, I know Kit is a big name of GOT so would have needed a big money but it would have been worth it.
Julianne Moore was also not suited to her role as a fiery seductress, she should have played Bonnie Lizzie or even better Mam Ward Role instead as she plays the mother figure or the confused beauty role better.

Plus there was no comedy moments in this at all which i would have thought is a must because it brings some cheer when all hope is lost.
