MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > Never heard of the book, just saw this

Never heard of the book, just saw this

The production values were pretty good. That's about all I liked in this movie. Jeff Bridges "accent" was awful and beyond silly. The plot is far from original. The acting, while not bad, wasn't very compelling and I had a hard time losing myself in the "fantasy" elements. I also think it suffered from the 3D included elements since I saw it in 2D. Having things constantly fly at your face in 2D is more of a distraction than exciting.

I just noticed that a lot of the lovers of this movie seem to blame the ratings on book fans. Not a book fan and I'd rate this 4/10. A passable fantasy movie but there's no real emotional investment, the plot was bland, and I just didn't care that much about any of the characters. I think trying to ride the line of PG-13 is what could have done it for me, I think it would have worked better as a full on R-rating or PG rating...either go hard or soft...but medium is blah.


I'd rate this 5/10 since it was literally mediocre (from Latin "mediocris", in a middle state), and I'd add Ben Barnes' ridiculous hotness to the plus side. Other than that, I completely agree.
