MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > Jeff Bridges bottom jaw?

Jeff Bridges bottom jaw?

I don't know about anybody else but I'm really starting to get tired of Jeff Bridges doing the same character in every movie. Hey, don't get me wrong, I like Jeff Bridges, but the protruding bottom jaw, talking like he's holding marbles under his tongue is getting kinda old. It was cool the first movie he did it in, but now he does it in every other movie... not cool anymore.


That's exactly what I thought! Gurning, protruding bottom jaw, mumbling and alcoholism seem to be the defining features of the last few chatacters he's played.

This character was virtually identical to the "grizzled veteran" from RIPD; both terrible films incidentally. It's also very similar to the character from True Grit, although that was a much better film. I'm sure there are other films where he's played similar characters.

Unfortunately it seems his bottom jaw is protruding to a greater extent with each subsequent character.


Yeah, annoying. I wonder if no one dares telling him that.
