MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > Does it stay true to the book?

Does it stay true to the book?

I've read all the books and looking at the trailer it doesn't look like the book at all. Is it actually like the book or totally different?


Totally diffrent


I have read all the books and enjoyed everyone of them. The movie as a stand alone film is quite fun to watch. However, anyone expecting the film to be a faithful adaptation is going to be majorly disappointed.The lead couple Tom and Alice are 12 years of age in the books but the actors playing the roles are both in their twenties,this is frustrating.Also there are characters who appear in many of the books who are killed off in this film,which may mean a sequel is not on the cards.

Then we have the setting:in the books the setting is Lancashire, mainly pendle hill and the surrounding areas. I don't recall many mountains, vast lakes and great forests in this part of the world.

I always feel an adaptation should try and encompass the characters and settings set out in the book as much as is possible ( the 1st two harry potter movies are a perfect example of this )however,i don't think Joseph Delaney had the same amount of input as JKR which is a shame.

So if you have read any of the books and are like me fond of the characters and you must watch the film,do as i did and block out the books and pretend the film is a separate entity and you may well enjoy it. But i have to say this is not an easy thing to do.


It's not a book adaptation at all. It's only INSPIRED by them.
The movie is sadly just a dumb fantasy action for youngsters. The screenplay and direction are truly horrible. Visuals are fine though.
