MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > Already made around $80 million worldwid...

Already made around $80 million worldwide so far....

According to and according to Wikipedia, that's only from around 30+ territories so yeah those saying this will be a boxoffice dub are about to be proved wrong, it might not be a great movie but its not going to be the financial disaster those hating on it have predicted.

Here are links that show the films boxoffice info so far:


Im surprised its doing well. I wonder how it'll do domestically

Whats the estimated Budget for this btw


As of now, it's not tracking well at all. Last time I checked it was tracking for an $8 million OP and $19 million total. I don't think it will be that bad, but I can't see it being any higher than $15 million at most.

As far as being a success, it all depends on what the budget is (with doesn't look cheap). But it really is going to have to depend on the foreign numbers for this to be a success.


I think the movie will make its money back at least


When it comes to grosses though, the studio isn't looking to break even. For a movie to be considered a moderate success, it needs to double it's budget at the least. If it triples it's budget, then it's considered a HIT.

So let's say if Seventh Son's budget is $100 million, it would need to gross at least $200 million for it to not be considered a total flop for the studio. It's done pretty well overseas so far, but what really is in question if it will continue to well nationally as it doesn't look like it's going to fare well in the states.


This movie looks like ass


^ Then don't watch it, hunterbiden. Why even come here then? Nothing better to do than troll?


It did $7 million domestically plus $83 million worldwide. Not quite the flop everyone thinks it is.


I loved it.


It's now up to 90 million so hey that's better than nothing and probably than what they expected.


Right now it's up to 108,000,000 world wide. Seems like this movie was pretty popular in China... 17,000,000 domestically. At least it made back it's production budget.


Still a flop but not the disaster it could have been. They probably only got a fraction of that China gross ($25 million) because this is not a big release.

Really, this film needed to make Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters money ($226 million worldwide) to be a success.
