Underrated (spoilers)

Seventh Son may be compared to Jupiter Ascending as a delayed big budget, effects heavy, box office flop. But storywise it's more successful, featuring interesting characters in a somewhat revisionist fantasy tale.


Maleficent & Sleeping Beauty - witch's love spurned, transforms into dragon, anti-fairy/witch enemy
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters - professional witch hunters, ogre helper, some witches are good
The Mortal Instruments - specialized monster hunters with mark
Solomon Kane - videogame-esque fight with boss demon
Eragon - order of warriors wiped out, Star Waresque in Medieval fantasy setting
Dragonheart - burnt out obsessed old warrior
The Black Cauldron - pig farmer boy

Revisions (mostly due to half witch):

Romeo & Juliet - witch-hunter & witch; but wait; they're both half-witches
Special chosen one squared - not just a seventh son, but a half-witch
Mother died fighting, not just hapless victim


You are entitled to your opinion
But I think it is shared by very few
I love Jeff bridges and julia Moore
This movie is total tripe
Waste if time waste of money waste of talent


Hey man i thought it was an alright movie. Love jeff bridges. Enjoyed all the transformations into dragons bears and giant black lizards haha. Went in to this with lowish expectations. Pretty much only expecting cool CGI but got a little bit more. Some humor. Some surprise. And some decent action. Fave line was when bridges says *beep* witches.." as he climbs the stairs


It was better than Jupiter Ascending if you ask me.

Clark: Jonathan Kent; isn't it a little past your bedtime?
