MovieChat Forums > Seventh Son (2015) Discussion > 7th Son v Conan (2011) v Eragon

7th Son v Conan (2011) v Eragon

Seventh Son, Eragon and the recent Conan movie are all ultimately disppointing sword and sorcery movies. Which one do you think is the best and which one the worst?

My order is as follows from best to worst:

1. Conan (2011)
2. Seventh Son
3. Eragon

Conan wasn't great but at least they captured the spirit of the short stories making him more of a pirating brigand than just a muscle bound swordsman. At least felt like an adventure that went to varied places. Still lacks a certain something and few o fine action scenes are memorable.

Seventh Son was fast paced so it wasn't a total yawn but the constant CGI fuelled battles were often uninspired and got tiresome. World building was quite poor. Not read the books so can't comment about its accuracy but heard it is less like the books than Eragon.

Eragon had the most generic story of the three and was basically Star Wars with swords and a dragon. A poor version of a mediocre novel. Felt like all the budget was spent on the CGI for the dragon.

I've placed Seventh Son above Eragon but it is not that much better and I found Conan only marginally more entertaining than both of them.

The Hobbit movies have got quite a bit of stick but all three films are masterpieces compared to these three. Will there be any other 'good' sword and sorcery style fantasy movies in the near future or is the well dry?


I haven't seen Conan or Eragon but I did generally enjoy Seventh Son. I think it was a fun fantasy movie. Like you said it wasn't anything compared to The Hobbit movies but I did like it.


1. Eragon
2. Seventh Son
3. Conan


Eragon is okay but it isn't the best, haven't seen 7th son yet so I can't say anything about it. Conan I loved, it showed us that someone else could do it and it's so much better than Arnold's child like version.


1. Conan
2. Eragon
3. Seventh Son

I agree with everything you said about Conan so there isn't much to add there. It was rather entertaining and worth a watch.

Seventh Son however, was complete trash. There wasn't a single scene in it worth wasting anyone's time on. The leads were awful, the acting terrible and hardly anything was explained. Also, the training montage had to be the worst in cinema history. Fail at throwing a knife for five minutes, five minutes of story time and now you are earth's greatest hero. What a joke.

Eragon was terrible as well but it's saving grace, and the only reason why it is ranked higher than Seventh Son, is due to the dragon. It was adorable as a baby and looked cool throughout the movie. They should have killed everyone else off in the first 20 minutes of the movie and just showed the dragon growing up and exploring the world. Would have been an improvement.


eh seems I am in the minority but I think Seventh Son is the best out of that motley lot. Conan was a bore with terrible acting from Mamoa (Rose McGowan was pretty cool though). Eragon is just..forgettable. That said, Seventh Son isn't that good either.

So, in conclusion, they all are average and below as we all pine for another truly fantastic fantasy movie...
