Attention Hollywood

You've spent all this money on so many of these but have you examined why they fail?

A) The pretty male lead who keeps winning by accident. You show us all these incredibly powerful foes, and after a short comedic training, the hero pretty much seems to have Longshot's powers from Marvel Comics. You can't beat dumb luck!

Girls don't go to see these anyway, so why use a pretty guy to try and attract them?

Gyms are full of more believable guys, and really you never get a great thespian actor anyway, so why not save some money and get a guy who looks tough, instead of pretty?

B) Too much CGI not enough story. It's like every villain can morph into a dragon, or a giant, and fights a long battle scene against a hopelessly outmatched hero, but they never lose.

C) The person who trains them. Usually the last of his kind or the best, but flawed, not much faith in his trainee and a 15 minute(if that) refresher course in being a Jedi master, a 7th son, Ghost police officer or Men In Black and we're off fighting villains way, way, way out of their league

D) At least Men In Black had a good actor in the lead, who had a good personality, could crack HIS OWN JOKES, instead of just hammy Tommy Lee Jones doing it. They explained he had hyper reflexes and was armed with a good weapon and was pretty tough. That's why it succeeded, the last 50 clones haven't.


So you're saying that Star Wars was a failure?

And girls do see these films. Do you think that no girls like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings or all those recent superhero movies? What a ridiculous statement.


Where on earth did the OP say star wars was a failure? They're simply pointing out that too many generic films with the same old formula are being churned out - stars wars being one of the first great successes of this ilk so Hollywood have cashed in on that ever since rather than taking risks and being creative with something new.
As for women seeing films like this, yes of course they do but nowhere near as many as men. I'd say this film looks aimed more at teenage boys anyway.
I'm going to hold off judgment until I see it but I have a niggling feeling that the OP will be right & it'll be a case of deja vu


I never disagreed that this movie was going to be a dud, but the OP implied all movies with those points fail, which obviously isn't true. He never said anything about originality, just the use of those plot devices.


Have you looked at Mark Hamil? Girls weren't exactly swooning. Did you want to do bad things to him w your light saber?


So you're saying that women only see films for good looking actors.
