Ben Barnes - miscast

he ruined the movie.



You can't just blame it on him, there are so many other things wrong with this mess.


But some of the other actors actually tried. Ben Barnes didn't even try :-/

Athhajar ma yeroon.


I like him, but I didn't find him believable in this role.

Fairly blasé throughout.

"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail"


Of course Ben Barnes can carry a movie. Have you not seen any of his other work!!!!?????


In addition to this film, I have seen him in:

Dorian Gray

Prince Caspian

Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Locked In

"Shake your hair girl with your ponytail"


Dude looks like someone out of a teen girl magazine... Kind kills any possibility of respect as a magical fantasy action hero... For the world, i can't understand why didn't they stick with John Snow as the main man. At least he looks like someone who could be a medieval fantasy hero.


Well, they could have let him keep his usual facial hair. But he definitely is a medieval fantasy hero in my eyes. Have you not seen Prince Caspian or Voyage of the Dawn Treader???


Of course I'm terribly biased. Not only am I a huge fan of Ben Barnes, I've had the opportunity to meet him and actually spend time talking to him. I know how serious he is about his acting and how much joy he gets out of it. I'm sure the right script will come along for him one day soon. In the meantime I DO like the films he has made so far.

Also, he may have a youthful face but he is almost 34 years old.


Have you not seen Prince Caspian or Voyage of the Dawn Treader???

Maybe that's why i'm not a fan of the Narnia franchise... None of it seems believable. Of course it may sound weird to talk abou believable when it comes to medieval fantasy, but within the particular book/movie fantasy universe the hero must look, sound and act like a hero for me to feel some sort of connection. I utterly dislike the nerdy weakling turned hero crap. That is also why the Harry Potter thing never got to me either.


I am the opposite. I like to see the underdog become a hero. I'm not a fan of big, muscle bound hero type men either. To each his own I guess.
