
Did anyone get the misogynist vipe from this film?

burn the witches, with the head witch the jilted lover

How did it get financed?




They killed a black man too, is the movie racist?


Oh look. A lemming seeing hate wherever they look. I guess they forgot to look in the mirror.


I think number one was being sarcastic.


Witch = female

Why don't you guys complain the in 99.5% of the movies a man is the bad guy?

Clark: Jonathan Kent; isn't it a little past your bedtime?


Alert... we got an Anita Sarkeesian troll on the loose...

Someone call Jeff Bridges...

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


Actually half the bad witches in this film were male.


In every movie there is got to be some whining feminist making this about gender... In a movie with dragons and monsters and witches... Seriously...


I was shocked that a couple of the witches were bad also. Who would ever expect a wicked witch, or a witch to get burned?!? What will they think of next?

It was also just horrifying that there were almost as many evil women as evil men, and almost as many bad witches as good ones! I can't stop crying!


Oh boy.

Witch hunt in its own account is a misogynist notion. Take away the fantasy element and all this happened once, so what makes you think that a film primarily about hunting witches should not contain misogynist undertones?

The point you miss here is that witches are not women, they're humanoids who resemble female humans. Besides they did not represent all the witches as foul creatures, there were good ones as well as bad ones. The spook was not an ultimate hero, he was fallible as any other human being.
