MovieChat Forums > Blue Valentine (2011) Discussion > Michelle Williams isn't even pretty at a...

Michelle Williams isn't even pretty at all

It's hard for me to believe she would have these two guys fighting over her and have all these sexual partners. I mean she's a good actress but couldn't they have hired someone that was a bit more attractive for the part?


Huh...?....well, don't expect that everyone shares that view. Looks are subjective, after all.
I think she's very a natural, real, non Hollywood stereotypical kind of way. Some people like paint by number doll faces and manufactured bodies. Some don't.




Are you serious? Of all the topics to discuss about this movie, you want to pick on Michelle Williams' looks? How old are you?

1) Beauty is subjective.
2) People are usually attracted to each other by more than just appearance.
3) How immature and low of you.

If this was a fluff romantic comedy, I could MAYBE understand your comment, but for a movie this deep and serious? Seriously!


I'd prefer Michelle Williams over most of these fake, generic and slutty Hollywood actors. She seems a lot more natural, and that's way more attractive.


Cindy was an ice queen, which is an almost intolerably unsexy thing to be, but this thread is way out of line. She is a gorgeous woman and appeared especially beautiful when she put on a smile and showed some signs of life in the flashbacks.


100% agree! i don't think she's stunning or anything but she looked great in parts of this movie & was so cute in the flashbacks & that's without doing much hair/makeup. yes beauty is subjective.. but for someone to say she's not attractive at all is kinda ridiculous lol


I thought she was attractive and was sexy as hell in the sex scenes.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


Michelle Williams not pretty? Well I've heard it all now

I will walk over your cold corpses


Lol she actually had three men vying for her affections - Dean, her ex and the doctor - but I understand why. Shes got a nice enough look to her. Innocent girl next door, fresh faced and a nice body. Nice hair too. I'd definitely call her pretty.

Ashmi any question
