MovieChat Forums > Blue Valentine (2011) Discussion > Gosling will never marry: receding hairl...

Gosling will never marry: receding

Very disturbing and probably gave a chill to half of his female


oh my gosh I know did you see him in "All Good Things"? Same hairline going on lol.



Hair loss in men is pretty matter how good-looking they are.


You do know that wasn't real?
It was special make up to make him look older.


you shallow kunts you
Is that the prerequisite for love and marriage to you, you soul-less bitches?
grow up

^^ This^^ Amen! But hey (most) women only like an actor (or singer) for what he looks like, they never like them for their talent.



so that's why you spelled it with a "k"!

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


*beep* soulless

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


I cannot understand why people think he is good looking. I can't see it myself - Mike Vogel is ten times better looking!


Ryan's just fine. He looked sexy as hell just eating a pizza slice at a mall in Crazy Sexy Love. (his over the top handstand pushup in the gym and even his Dirty Dancing lift helped)

Just his FIRST look to Michelle in this film when he finished moving Walter in was hotter than hell. Ahhhhh....

And don't forget about Drive!!!!

His "six years later" look in BV made him look like a child molester, her first joke. I'm like, dude, lose those glasses.

If he stays single, so what? Hair, no hair, tinted glasses, no tinted glasses, designer suits or a painted stained pair of clothes.....I wouldn't kick him out of the shower in The Future Room.


This is actually the first and only movie I've found him attractive in.

cause here things go from gray to gray and back to gray again


That was a fake hairline. But I don't think he would have to worry because of the way his head is shaped. He can just go bald and go the Bruce Willis route.


That's like saying that fat women will never marry, but many of them do, some of them even marrying men with receding hairlines, or even bald men. They then have fat, bald children, or at least with receding hairlines.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


So, if you have a receding hairline but are in extremely good shape as a man, your equivalent is a fat woman? Doesn't make sense.


That was my point.

If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure. - George W. Bush


But being "fat" and "bald" are different things. One you can change, the other is genetic generally (I realize size, shape can be genetic too). My point was, why would a guy that is in extremely good shape (but bald) marry a woman who was considered "fat?"

Unless it's a personality match, but there would be a difference in lifestyle.


My point, which I thought was obvious, was that what is seemingly a physical flaw to some people doesn't matter to other people. Every person is unique. No one is perfect. To say someone will never marry because they have a receding hairline is about as ridiculous as saying that someone who is fat will never marry. Get it? The only equating that was going on was in regard to the perceived flaw.

The original post makes it seem that only perfect tens marry, and then only to perfect tens, which is quite ridiculous, on both counts. The OP basically needs to stop being ignorant.

If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure. - George W. Bush


Agreed, especially with your line "perceived flaw." What some see as flaws, others may find endearing. These things help to make us human.


Nope, I'd still do him!

Old enough to know better, young enough to do it anyway. ;P


Ryan Gosling with a receding hairline is still sexier than most men in America. It doesn't make him less attractive. My boyfriend also has a receding hairline and I find him attractive as well. The hairline doesn't have any bearing on a man's character


He'll never marry because hes losing his hair?

Have you never heard of Homer Simpson??

Ashmi any question


Testosterone causes hair loss.

Balding is manly and natural.

Boopee doopee doop boop SEX
