
Just a terrible piece of crap. Offensive and unfunny. All the characters were despicable. Bradley Cooper is an arrogant jerk. Zack Galifinakias, or whatever his name is, is simply not funny. Todd Phillips, the director, is a total dickhead, and should not be given money to make movies. But, the studios know there are plenty of a-holes out there who don't know any better and throw their money at this stuff.


Thanks. I appreciate being called an a-hole. Made my day.

Since your name has Disco in it, Disco is a terrible piece of crap.


Horrible, douching poster who can't stand the idea of not posting his crappy, unfunny and offensive post and can't tell the difference between a joke and a tampon.


u jelly bro?


OMG you liek seriously don't liek tha hangover???!!!

How original are you? Jumping on the bandwagon much?

I swear, these days it's becoming almost "trendy" to dislike a popular movie, just to try and merit a reaction from peers. If you did not find ANYTHING about this movie to be funny, you seriously have an issue with your sense of humor. That is a fact. This is why I label OP in the same category as the rest of the anti-society douches that want to stir up sh*t on a message board of a popular movie with a growing fanbase. And to call people names for simply being involved with a critically-acclaimed, financially successful film? Grow up, dude. Think for yourself and people might actually take you seriously.

And yes, I realize I am simply feeding the stray cat here, but I can't help it. End of rant.

Consequences will NEVER be the same!!!


The poster shouldn't have insulted anyone who enjoys The Hangover. That said, though, I really had trouble understanding why this movie got so many good reviews--and I went into the movie really wanting to like it. What set this movie apart from any other poorly-reviewed Hollywood comedy? It had crass slapstick, an uninteresting plot, and not very clever dialogue (except occasionally from Zach).

I'd certainly welcome anyone's attempt to enlighten me, however.


You think this movie is offensive? Wow, lighten up.


Anyone with the word "Disco" in their name should not be allowed to have an opinion. Infact, it should be mandatory that they do need breed, and must volunteer for all available suicide missions

I leave Symbols to the Symbol minded


i dont think the movie was offensive but it was pretty terrible..i caught it last night and couldn't believe how many people swore by this movie..like wedding crashers it's child humor masked in veined intelligence.


Please back up your opinion with examples. How was it offensive??


Lol, the OP needs to take the stick out of his ass. Offended? By what? Yeah, the movie was raunchy, but it wasn't offensive. Seriously, I honestly can't fathom ANYTHING that could be described as offensive.



I think the "baby jerking off" scene crossed the line, I remember watching this movie with my sister on New Year's Eve, and I felt embarrassed. It was awful.

"Hamburgers, the cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast."


This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I laughed maybe twice throughout.

Get busy livin..... or die tryin - Morgan Freeman, "The Shawshank Redemption"
